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Hrsg.: Frank Haß
[Ausg. ab 2014]. - Stuttgart [u.a.]: Klett, 2014-
Teacher's manual, School book, Other, Series, Edited collection, Audio, Electronic Resource, Printed Resource, CD, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM

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Statement of Responsibility: Hrsg.: Frank Haß
Author / Contributor: Brimage, David ; Cummins, Jo ; Daymond, Elizabeth ; Caridia, Chris ; Haß, Frank (1966-) ; Ku, Melanie ; Baer-Engel, Jennifer
Edition: [Ausg. ab 2014]
Publication: Stuttgart [u.a.]: Klett, 2014-
Content Type: Teacher's manual
Media Type: School book, Other, Series, Edited collection
Carrier Type: Audio, Electronic Resource, Printed Resource, CD, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM
Subject heading:
  • Englischunterricht
Additional details:
  • Zusätzliches Online-Angebot unter www.klett.de
  • hbz Verbund-ID: HT018703197
Volumes available: Show volumes

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