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Manualetto di linguistica italiana

Maurizio Dardano
1. ed., 1. rist.. - Bologna: Zanichelli, 1991
Monograph, Reference work, Introduction, Printed Resource - IX, 242 S. : graph. Darst., Kt.

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Manualetto di linguistica italiana
Statement of Responsibility: Maurizio Dardano
Author / Contributor: Dardano, Maurizio (1935-)
Edition: 1. ed., 1. rist.
Publication: Bologna: Zanichelli, 1991
Media Type: Monograph, Reference work, Introduction
Carrier Type: Printed Resource
Pagination: IX, 242 S. : graph. Darst., Kt.
ISBN: 8808073947
Subject heading:
  • Italianistik
  • Linguistik
Additional details:
  • Lokale Notationen: FGA
  • Fächer: Romanistik
  • hbz Verbund-ID: HT006172656

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