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59 Hits

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59 Hits

  1. David Merritt
    Princeton, NJ [u.a.]: Princeton University Press, 2013
    Monograph, Printed Resource
  2. Florian Freistetter
    1. Aufl.. - Salzburg: Ecowin, 2012
    Monograph, Introduction, Printed Resource
  3. Jelle Kaastra, ed
    [New York, NY]: Springer, 2008
    Edited collection, Printed Resource
  4. Peter Schneider
    Korr. Nachdr.. - Berlin [u.a.]: Springer, 2008
    Monograph, Text book, Printed Resource
  5. Peter Schneider
    Berlin [u.a.]: Springer, 2006
    Monograph, Text book, Printed Resource
  6. Peter Schneider
    Berlin [u.a.]: Springer, 2006
    Monograph, Text book, Printed Resource
  7. Steven Phillipps
    Chichester [u.a.]: Wiley, 2005
    Monograph, Printed Resource
  8. ed. by Luis C. Ho
    Cambridge [u.a.]: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2004
    Bibliography, Conference proceedings, Edited collection, Printed Resource
  9. ed. by Mark H. Jones ... Authors: David J. Adams ..
    Cambridge [u.a.]: Open Univ. [u.a.], 2004
    Text book, Edited collection, Printed Resource
  10. F. Combes ... Transl. by Mark Seymour
    2. ed.. - Berlin [u.a.]: Springer, 2002
    Edited collection, Printed Resource
  11. Eberhard Grün ... (eds.)
    Berlin [u.a.]: Springer, 2001
    Edited collection, Printed Resource
  12. Hermann-Josef Röser ... (ed.)
    Berlin [u.a.]: Springer, 1999
    Conference proceedings, Edited collection, Printed Resource
  13. A. M. Fridman ; N. N. Gorkavyi
    Berlin [u.a.]: Springer, 1999
    Monograph, Printed Resource
  14. Astronomische Gesellschaft Hamburg. Reinhard E. Schielicke (ed.)
    Hamburg, 1998
    Conference proceedings, Edited collection, Printed Resource
  15. Malcolm S. Longair
    Berlin [u.a.]: Springer, 1998
    Monograph, Printed Resource
  16. Max Camenzind
    Berlin [u.a.]: Springer, 1997
    Monograph, Printed Resource
  17. ed. by S. Kato ..
    Amsterdam: Gordon and Breach, 1996
    Edited collection, Printed Resource
  18. Alan Dressler
    1. Aufl.. - Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1996
    Report of experience, Monograph, Report, Printed Resource
  19. Aage Sandqvist ... (ed.)
    Berlin [u.a.]: Springer, 1996
    Conference proceedings, Edited collection, Printed Resource
  20. Hans Hippelein ... (ed.)
    Berlin [u.a.]: Springer, 1995
    Conference proceedings, Edited collection, Printed Resource

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