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10 Hits

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Search tip Catalogue: Search terms are automatically combined with AND. Combining terms with OR is achieved by using "|", combining terms with NOT needs a "-" (minus) in front of the term. Quotation marks can be used to search for phrases.
Examples: (castle | palace) -medieval, "vocational education"

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10 Hits

  1. W. E. Tröger
    2. Aufl.. - Stuttgart: Schweizerbart, 1969
    Edited collection, Part of a work, Printed Resource
  2. von J. Reinhard Blum
    Stuttgart: Schweizerbart, 1847
    Monograph, Part of a work, Printed Resource
  3. von J. Reinhard Blum
    Stuttgart: Schweizerbart, 1852
    Monograph, Part of a work, Printed Resource
  4. Otto Wuensche
    5., gänzlich umgearb. Aufl. des 5. Bandes der gemeinnützigen Naturgeschichte. - Gotha: Thienemann, 348 S
    Monograph, Part of a work, Printed Resource
  5. von J. Reinhard Blum
    Stuttgart: Schweizerbart, 1843
    Monograph, Part of a work, Printed Resource
  6. bearb. von Ferdinand Senft
    Hannover: Hahn, 1875
    Monograph, Part of a work, Printed Resource
  7. E. Nickel
    Thun: Ott, 1971
    Monograph, Part of a work, Not specified
  8. Johannes Leunis
    5., verb. Aufl.. - Hannover: Hahn, 1875
    Monograph, Part of a work, Not specified
  9. Johannes Leunis
    3., verb. und verm. Aufl.. - Hannover: Hahn, 1864
    Monograph, Part of a work, Not specified
  10. Schilling, Samuel ; Mahrenholtz, Adolf ; et al.
    16. Bearb.. - Breslau: Hirt, 1904
    Monograph, Part of a work, Printed Resource

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