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116 Hits

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116 Hits

  1. [Red.: Hiltrud Relecker (verantw.)]
    Bonn, 1994
    Festschrift, Edited collection, Printed Resource
  2. Brasche, Ulrich ; Pfirrmann, Oliver
    Berlin: VDI/VDE-Technologiezentrum Informationstechnik, 1991
    Monograph, Part of a work, Not specified
  3. [IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Nonlinear Programming and Optimization]. Ed. by H. B. Siguerdidjane ..
    Oxford [u.a.]: Pergamon, 1990
    Conference proceedings, Edited collection, Printed Resource
  4. ed. by Peter Comer
    London [u.a.]: Elsevier Applied Science, 1990
    Conference proceedings, Article collection, Edited collection, Printed Resource
  5. ed. by R. R̆ezníc̆ek
    New York [u.a.]: Hemisphere, 1990
    Conference proceedings, Edited collection, Printed Resource
  6. Working Conference on Reliability and Optimization of Structural Systems
    Berlin ; Heidelberg [u.a.]: Springer, 1989
    Monograph, Part of a work, Printed Resource
  7. ed. by Bu-Xuan Wang
    New York [u.a.]: Hemisphere Publ. Co, 1989
    Conference proceedings, Edited collection, Printed Resource
  8. ed. by Zheng Zhemin
    1. ed.. - Oxford [u.a.]: Internat. Acad. Publ. [u.a.], 1989
    Edited collection, Part of a work, Printed Resource
  9. ed. by Zheng Zhemin
    1. ed.. - Oxford [u.a.]: Internat. Acad. Publ. [u.a.], 1989
    Edited collection, Part of a work, Printed Resource
  10. ed. by Zheng Zhemin
    1. ed.. - Oxford [u.a.]: Internat. Acad. Publ. [u.a.], 1989
    Edited collection, Part of a work, Printed Resource
  11. ed. by Akhtar S. Khan ..
    Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1989
    Conference proceedings, Edited collection, Printed Resource
  12. von Jozef Skákala, Klaus Weise u. Bernd R. L. Siebert
    Bremerhaven: NW-Verl., Verl. für Neue Wiss, 1987
    Monograph, Other, Printed Resource
  13. [7. IFAC/IFORS Symposium on Identification and System Parameter Estimation held in July 1985 in York, England]. By E. Walter
    1. ed.. - Oxford [u.a.]: Pergamon Press, 1987
    Conference proceedings, Edited collection, Printed Resource
  14. Workshop on Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing
    1. ed.. - Oxford [u.a.], Frankfurt, M.: Pergamon Pr, 1987
    Conference proceedings, Monograph, Part of a work, Not specified
  15. ed. by Klaus P. Herrmann ..
    Dordrecht [u.a.]: Reidel, 1987
    Conference proceedings, Edited collection, Printed Resource
  16. Hoff, Nicholas J. (1906-1997)
    1. [Dr.]. - Lancaster, Pa.: Technomic Publ, 1986
    Monograph, Printed Resource
  17. Guildford: Butterworths, 1985
    Monograph, Part of a work, Not specified
  18. Achtermann, H.-J. ..
    Düsseldorf: VDI-Verl, 1983
    Festschrift, Article collection, Edited collection, Printed Resource
    Monograph, Printed Resource
  20. W.-W. Maennig ; H.-J. Taferner
    Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag, 1982
    Monograph, Printed Resource

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