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92 Hits

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92 Hits

  1. Ralph W. Tyler
    1. Aufl.. - Düsseldorf: Pädag. Verl. Schwann, 1973
    Monograph, Introduction, Printed Resource
  2. Hans Albrecht Hesse ; Wolfgang Manz
    Stuttgart [u.a.]: Kohlhammer, 1972
    Monograph, Printed Resource
  3. Jerome S. Bruner
    2., unveränd. Aufl.. - Berlin: Berlin-Verl. [u.a.], 1972
    Monograph, Printed Resource
  4. G. W. Ford ; L. Pugno
    1. Aufl.. - Düsseldorf: Schwann, 1972
    Edited collection, Printed Resource
  5. Ulf P. Lundgren. Kompass Projektet
    Stockholm: Almquist & Wiksell, 1972
    Monograph, Academic Publication, Printed Resource
  6. Aregger, Kurt (1945-2016) ; Isenegger, Urs (1943-2019)
    Freiburg, 1972
    Edited collection, Printed Resource
  7. Herwig Blankertz
    Essen: Neue Dt. Schule Verl.-Ges, 1971
    Edited collection, Printed Resource
  8. Frank Achtenhagen ... (Hrg.)
    2. Aufl., 8. - 11. Tsd.. - München: Kösel, 1971
    Article collection, Edited collection, Printed Resource
  9. Lloyd K. Bishop
    New York: Harper & Row, 1971
    Monograph, Printed Resource
  10. hrsg. von Josef Speck
    Münster, 1969
    Conference proceedings, Edited collection, Printed Resource
  11. Gerhard Stoppe ; Wolfgang Kessel
    Berlin: Volk u. Wissen, 1966
    Monograph, Printed Resource
  12. by Arthur T. Jersild. In collaboration with Mary E. Chayer ..
    3. print. - New York: Columbia Univ, 1948
    Monograph, Printed Resource

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