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- Sozialarbeit 7 Hits
- USA 4 Hits
- Case Management 3 Hits
- Ambulante Behandlung 2 Hits
- Krankenpflege 2 Hits
33 additional values:
- Lateinamerika 2 Hits
- Arbeitspflicht 1 Hit
- Ausbildung 1 Hit
- Einzelfallhilfe 1 Hit
- Entwicklung 1 Hit
- Fürsorge 1 Hit
- Gesellschaft 1 Hit
- Gesundheitswesen 1 Hit
- Human rights 1 Hit
- Internationaler Vergleich 1 Hit
- Kind 1 Hit
- Klinische Psychologie / Allgemeine Darstellungen 1 Hit
- La Paz 1 Hit
- Los Angeles, Calif. Police Department 1 Hit
- Management 1 Hit
- Medizin 1 Hit
- Menschenrecht 1 Hit
- Neue Armut 1 Hit
- Obdachlosigkeit 1 Hit
- Pfelegmanagement 1 Hit
- Pflege 1 Hit
- Polizeibeamtin 1 Hit
- Praxisbezug 1 Hit
- Projekt 1 Hit
- Social service / International cooperation 1 Hit
- Sozialabbau 1 Hit
- Soziale Dienste 1 Hit
- Sozialmanagement 1 Hit
- Streetwork 1 Hit
- Therapeutische Gemeinschaft 1 Hit
- USA / Sozialabbau / Arbeitspflicht / Neue Armut 1 Hit
- USA / Sozialhilfe / Reform 1 Hit
- USA / Sozialpolitik 1 Hit
19 Hits
Third edition. - New York: Oxford University Press, [2021]Monograph, Bibliography, Printed ResourceAccess:
1. Auflage. - Weinheim ; Basel: Beltz Juventa, 2019Monograph, Introduction, Text book, Printed ResourceAccess:
Oldenburg: pfv, 2010Edited collection, Part of a work, Printed ResourceAccess:
1. Aufl.. - Oldenburg (Oldb): Paulo Freire Verl, 2009Article collection, Edited collection, Printed ResourceAccess:
Saarbrücken: VDM, Müller, 2008Monograph, Printed ResourceAccess:
Oldenburg: pfv, 2007Edited collection, Part of a work, Printed ResourceAccess:
Oldenburg: pfv, 2007Edited collection, Part of a work, Printed ResourceAccess:
2., ergänzte Auflage. - Bern: Verlag Hans Huber, 2005Article collection, Edited collection, Printed ResourceAccess:
1. Aufl.. - Bern [u.a.]: Huber, 2000Article collection, Edited collection, Printed ResourceAccess:
Philadelphia: Temple Univ. Press, 1998Monograph, Printed ResourceAccess:
Opladen [u.a.]: Westdt. Verl, 1998Monograph, Academic Publication, Printed ResourceAccess:
6. ed.. - Boston [u.a.]: Allyn and Bacon, 1998Monograph, Printed ResourceAccess:
Fully rev. and updated ed. of "Social work practice". - Aldershot, Hants.: Arena, 1998Monograph, Printed ResourceAccess:
London [u.a.]: Athlone Press, 1998Monograph, Printed ResourceAccess:
Aldershot, Hants.: Arena, 1997Article collection, Edited collection, Printed ResourceAccess:
2. ed.. - Washington, DC: NASW Press, 1995Monograph, Statistics, Printed ResourceAccess:
New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 1992Article collection, Edited collection, Printed ResourceAccess:
2., überarb. und erw, Aufl.. - München: AG SPAK Publikationen, 1983Monograph, Printed ResourceAccess:
Sydney: Allen & Unwin, 1978Monograph, Printed ResourceAccess: