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- Italienisch 16 Hits
- Linguistik 13 Hits
- Italianistik 7 Hits
- Grammatik 2 Hits
- Deutsches Sprachgebiet 1 Hit
20 additional values:
- Flexion 1 Hit
- Genus 1 Hit
- Geschichte 1 Hit
- Geschichte 1989-1991 1 Hit
- Geschichte <1300-1980> 1 Hit
- Gesprochene Sprache 1 Hit
- Italien 1 Hit
- Kasus 1 Hit
- Lehrbuch 1 Hit
- Literatur 1 Hit
- Literaturunterricht 1 Hit
- Morphologie 1 Hit
- Phonologie 1 Hit
- Phraseologie 1 Hit
- Questione della lingua 1 Hit
- Rechtschreibung 1 Hit
- Sprachentwicklung 1 Hit
- Sprachtypologie 1 Hit
- Textanalyse 1 Hit
- Zukunft 1 Hit
38 Hits
Bologna: Soc. Ed. Il Mulino, 1982Monograph, Printed ResourceAccess:
Tübingen: Narr, 1981Article collection, Conference proceedings, Edited collection, Printed ResourceAccess:
FIRENZE: LE MONNIER, 1980Monograph, Printed ResourceAccess:
Nuova ed. - Palermo: Palumbo, 1978Monograph, Printed ResourceAccess:
Roma: Bulzoni, 1977Conference proceedings, Edited collection, Printed ResourceAccess:
2. ED. RIV. E AGGIORNATA, RIST. ANASTATICA. - Firenze: SANSONI, 1976-Monograph, Series, Printed ResourceAccess:
Pisa: Pacini, 1976Monograph, Bibliography, Printed ResourceAccess:
FIRENZE: LE MONNIER, 1973Monograph, Printed ResourceAccess:
Torino: Einaudi, 1971Monograph, Introduction, Bibliography, Printed ResourceAccess:
NUOVA ED.. - TORINO: EINAUDI, 1970Monograph, Printed ResourceAccess:
Bologna: Patron, 1969Monograph, Part of a work, Printed ResourceAccess:
Bologna: Patron, 1969Monograph, Part of a work, Printed ResourceAccess:
7. ed., aggiornata. - Bologna: Patron, 1969-Monograph, Series, Printed ResourceAccess:
Modena: Società Tipografica Modenese, Editrice, 1941-XIXMonograph, Printed ResourceAccess:
Firenze: SANSONIMonograph, Part of a work, Not specifiedAccess:
Firenze: SANSONIMonograph, Part of a work, Not specifiedAccess:
Firenze: SANSONIMonograph, Part of a work, Not specifiedAccess:
Firenze: SANSONIMonograph, Part of a work, Not specifiedAccess: