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56 Hits

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56 Hits

  1. Engelbert Thaler (ed.)
    Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto, [2018]
    Article collection, Edited collection, Printed Resource
  2. Maria Eisenmann, Christian Ludwig
    Berlin: Peter Lang, [2018]
    Article collection, Edited collection, Printed Resource
  3. von Peter Bruck
    1. Aufl.. - Stuttgart: Klett Sprachen, 2014
    Monograph, Sample collection, Printed Resource
  4. Roman Bartosch ; Sieglinde Grimm (eds.). Foreword by Greg Garrard
    Frankfurt am Main [u.a.]: Lang, 2014
    Conference proceedings, Edited collection, Printed Resource
  5. ed. by Daniela Elsner ; Sissy Helff ; Britta Viebrock
    Wien [u.a.]: Lit, 2013
    Article collection, Edited collection, Printed Resource
  6. Sasha Matthewman
    Abingdon [u.a.]: Routledge, 2011
    Monograph, Printed Resource
  7. Monika Plümer
    1. Aufl.. - Stuttgart: Klett Sprachen, 2011
    Monograph, Printed Resource
  8. Sylvia Schulze
    Frankfurt am Main [u.a.]: Lang, 2011
    Monograph, Academic Publication, Printed Resource
  9. ed. by Maria Eisenmann ..
    Heidelberg: Winter, 2010
    Article collection, Edited collection, Printed Resource
  10. Peter Bruck
    1. Aufl.. - Stuttgart: Klett Sprachen, 2010
    Monograph, Lesson, Printed Resource
  11. von Ute Dons und Karl-Walter Keppler
    1. Aufl., 1. Dr.. - Berlin: Cornelsen, 2009
    Monograph, Printed Resource
  12. Braunschweig: Westermann, 2009
    Monograph, Teaching aids, Printed Resource
  13. edited by Joanna N. Paull
    Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, 2009
    Edited collection, Printed Resource
  14. ed. by Jürgen Donnerstag ..
    Heidelberg: Winter, 2008
    Article collection, Edited collection, Printed Resource
  15. comp. and ed. by Mita Banerjee and Susanne Stadler
    1. Aufl.. - Berlin [u.a.]: Langenscheidt, 2008
    Edited collection, Part of a work, Printed Resource
  16. Kerstin Göbel
    Münster [u.a.]: Waxmann, 2007
    Monograph, Academic Publication, Printed Resource
  17. ed. by Werner Delanoy ..
    Heidelberg: Winter, 2006
    Article collection, Edited collection, Printed Resource
  18. hrsg. von Roland Bauer
    2. Aufl.. - Berlin: Cornelsen Scriptor, 2006
    Edited collection, Part of a work, Printed Resource
  19. Wolfgang Gehring. BIS, Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem der Universität Oldenburg
    Oldenburg, 2005
    Article collection, Edited collection, Printed Resource
  20. Autor Jens Hildebrand
    Köln: Aulis-Verl. Deubner, 2005
    Monograph, Printed Resource

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