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47 Hits

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Examples: (castle | palace) -medieval, "vocational education"

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47 Hits

  1. von Mathias Schillmöller
    School book, Musicalia, Edited collection, Part of a work, Audio, Electronic Resource, Film, Slide, Video, CD, DVD-Audio
  2. herausgegeben von: Walther Engel
    School book, Musicalia, Edited collection, Part of a work, Audio, Electronic Resource, CD
  3. von Markus Detterbeck und Gero Schmidt-Oberländer
    Edited collection, Part of a work, Electronic Resource, Film, Slide, Video, DVD-Video
  4. herausgegeben von Klaus Brecht & Stefan Kalmer
    Teacher's manual, Article, School book, Other, Part of a work, Musicalia, Edited collection, Audio, Electronic Resource, CD
  5. herausgegeben von: Walther Engel
    School book, Edited collection, Part of a work, Electronic Resource, Film, Slide, Video, Printed Resource, DVD-Video
  6. Stefan Gies, Werner Jank (Hrsg.) ; mit Beiträgen von Johannes Bähr ..
    Software, School book, Other, Edited collection, Part of a work, Audio, Electronic Resource, Printed Resource, CD-ROM, CD
  7. von Markus Detterbeck und Gero Schmidt-Oberländer
    Ausgabe D. - 2015
    Musicalia, Edited collection, Part of a work, Audio, Electronic Resource, CD
  8. hrsg. von Wieland Schmid. Unter Mitarb. von Bernhard Hofmann ..
    Innsbruck [u.a.]: Helbling, 2014
    Article, Part of a work, Edited collection, Electronic Resource
  9. hrsg. von Wieland Schmid. Unter Mitarb. von Bernhard Hofmann ..
    Innsbruck [u.a.]: Helbling, 2014
    Article, Part of a work, Edited collection, Electronic Resource
  10. herausgegeben von Ulrich Prinz und Markus Sauter ; erarbeitet von Jürgen Klenk ..
    School book, Musicalia, Edited collection, Part of a work, Audio, Electronic Resource, CD
  11. herausgegeben von: Walther Engel
    School book, Musicalia, Edited collection, Part of a work, Audio, Electronic Resource, CD
  12. herausgegeben von Ulrich Prinz und Markus Sauter ; erarbeitet von Jürgen Klenk ..
    School book, Edited collection, Part of a work, Audio, Electronic Resource, Film, Slide, Video, DVD-Video
  13. Felix Janosa
    Monograph, Part of a work, Electronic Resource, Film, Slide, Video, DVD-Video
  14. Felix Janosa
    Musicalia, Part of a work, Audio, Electronic Resource, CD
  15. Felix Janosa
    Monograph, Part of a work, Electronic Resource, Film, Slide, Video, DVD-Video
  16. herausgegeben von: Walther Engel
    School book, Musicalia, Edited collection, Part of a work, Audio, Electronic Resource, CD
  17. herausgegeben von Bernd Clausen, Norbert Schläbitz ; erarbeitet von Michael Ahlers [und anderen]
    Software, School book, Other, Edited collection, Part of a work, Electronic Resource, CD-ROM
  18. Felix Janosa
    Musicalia, Part of a work, Audio, Electronic Resource, CD
  19. herausgegeben von Bernd Clausen, Norbert Schläbitz ; erarbeitet von Michael Ahlers [und anderen]
    Software, Other, School book, Edited collection, Part of a work, Electronic Resource, CD-ROM
  20. herausgegeben von Ulrich Prinz und Markus Sauter ; erarbeitet von Jürgen Klenk ..
    Hannover: Schroedel, 2011
    School book, Musicalia, Edited collection, Part of a work, Audio, Electronic Resource, CD

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