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31 Hits

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31 Hits

  1. edited by Graham Hall
    London ; New York: Routledge, 2020
    Article collection, Edited collection, Printed Resource
  2. Susanne Heinz, Andréa Riedel, Thomas Riecke-Baulecke (Hrsg.) ; mit Beiträgen von: Johanna Fleckenstein [und 15 andere]
    2. Auflage. - Hannover: Klett Kallmeyer, 2019
    Article collection, Text book, Edited collection, Printed Resource
  3. Susanne Heinz, Andréa Riedel, Thomas Riecke-Baulecke (Hrsg.) ; mit Beiträgen von: Johanna Fleckenstein, Claudia Harsch, Susanne Heinz, Svea Hundertmark, Matthias Hutz, Annette Kroschewski, Christiane Lütge, Margitta Kuty, Jens Möller, Thorsten Piske, Kirsten Redlin, Thomas Riecke-Baulecke, Andréa Riedel, Kominik Rumlich, Dirk Siepmann, Karin Vogt
    1. Auflage. - Seelze: Klett Kallmeyer, 2018
    Article collection, Text book, Edited collection, Printed Resource
  4. Barbara Prusse-Hess, Michael Prusse (Hrsg.)
    Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren GmbH, [2018]
    Article collection, Edited collection, Printed Resource
  5. Roman Bartosch ... (Hg.)
    Trier: WVT, Wiss. Verl. Trier, 2014
    Article collection, Edited collection, Printed Resource
  6. hrsg. von Joachim Appel ..
    Berlin [u.a.]: Langenscheidt, [2010]
    Article collection, Edited collection, Printed Resource
  7. ed. by Neil Mercer ..
    London [u.a.]: Routledge [u.a.], 2007
    Edited collection, Printed Resource
  8. ed. by Jim Cummins ..
    New York, NY: Springer, 2007
    Edited collection, Part of a work, Printed Resource
  9. ed. by Jim Cummins ..
    New York, NY: Springer, 2007
    Edited collection, Part of a work, Printed Resource
  10. ed. by George Braine
    Mahwah, N.J. [u.a.]: Erlbaum, 2005
    Bibliography, Article collection, Edited collection, Printed Resource
  11. Bernhard Kettemann ; Georg Marko (eds.)
    Tübingen: Narr, 2003
    Article collection, Edited collection, Printed Resource
  12. The Open University ... Ed. by David R. Hall ..
    London [u.a.]: Routledge [u.a.], 2001
    Article collection, Edited collection, Printed Resource
  13. ed. by Ronald Carter and David Nunan
    Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2001
    Article collection, Edited collection, Printed Resource
  14. ed. by Bernard Mohan ..
    Harlow [u.a.]: Longman, 2001
    Article collection, Edited collection, Printed Resource
  15. Michael Pressley ..
    2. ed., reprint.. - Cambridge, Mass.: Brookline Books, 2000
    Edited collection, Printed Resource
  16. Ursula Karbe ; Hans-Eberhard Piepho
    1. Aufl.. - Ismaning: Hueber, 2000
    Dictionary, Reference work, Edited collection, Printed Resource
  17. Johannes-P. Timm (Hrsg.)
    1. Aufl., [Nachdr.]. - Berlin: Cornelsen, [19]99
    Edited collection, Printed Resource
  18. Claus Gnutzmann (ed.)
    Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 1999
    Conference proceedings, Edited collection, Printed Resource
  19. hrsg. von Rüdiger Ahrens ..
    Berlin: Schmidt, 1995
    Text book, Edited collection, Printed Resource
  20. hrsg. von Ulf Borgwardt ..
    1. Aufl.. - Ismaning: Hueber, 1993
    Edited collection, Printed Resource

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