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九一一事件後歐洲聯盟與美國在歐洲地區的反恐合作(2001-2007年) ; The counter-terrorism cooperation between EU and U.S. in Europe after 9/11 attack (2001-2007)

朱柔潔 ; Chu, Jou-chieh ; et al.
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European Police Office, ( U0002-1601200915190300;

九一一事件後歐洲聯盟與美國在歐洲地區的反恐合作(2001-2007年) ; The counter-terrorism cooperation between EU and U.S. in Europe after 9/11 attack (2001-2007)
Autor/in / Beteiligte Person: 朱柔潔 ; Chu, Jou-chieh ; 淡江大學歐洲研究所碩士班 ; 蔡政文 ; Tsai, Cheng-wen
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Commission of the European Communities Communication from the Commission to the Council and the Parliament:Transfer of Air Passenger Name Record (PNR) Data:A Global EU Approach, Brussels, 16.12.2003, (COM(2003) 826 final). Commission Staff Working Paper:“An EC-U.S. Agreement on Passenger Name Record (PNR)”, Brussels, 21.1.2004, (SEC(2004) 81). Conclusions and Plan of Action of the Extraordinary European Council, Brussels, 21 September 2001, (SN140/01). Council of the European Union Declaration on Combating Terrorism, Brussels, 25 March 2004, (7906/04). Working Structures of the Council in terrorism matters, Brussels, 25 May 2004, (9791/04). EU Plan of Action on Combating Terrorism, Brussels, 29 November 2004, (14330/1/04 REV 1). The Hague Programme, Brussels, 13 December 2004, (16054/04). The European Union Counter-Terrorism Strategy, Brussels, 30 November 2005, (14469/4/05 REV 4). Europol Corporate Communications, 2006. Annual Report 2006. European Police Office, ( U0002-1601200915190300;
Veröffentlichung: 2009
Medientyp: unknown
  • 恐怖主義
  • 歐盟
  • 美國
  • 反恐合作
  • 國際政府間組織
  • Terrorism
  • EU
  • US
  • Counter-Terrorism Cooperation
  • Intergovernmental Organizations
  • Nachgewiesen in: BASE
  • Sprachen: Chinese
  • Collection: Tamkang University Institutional Repository (TKUIR) / 淡江大學機構典藏
  • Document Type: other/unknown material
  • File Description: 143 bytes; application/octet-stream
  • Language: Chinese

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