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- power, energy and industry applications 125 Hits
- topology 113 Hits
- components, circuits, devices and systems 102 Hits
- wireless power transfer (wpt) 96 Hits
- couplings 95 Hits
45 additional values:
- zona pellucida 88 Hits
- wireless power transfer 86 Hits
- inductive power transfer (ipt) 83 Hits
- zpa 81 Hits
- zero phase angle (zpa) 78 Hits
- capacitors 76 Hits
- transportation 76 Hits
- extremities 74 Hits
- limb development 64 Hits
- wireless power transmission 64 Hits
- signal processing and analysis 61 Hits
- coils 60 Hits
- aerospace 58 Hits
- resonant frequency 58 Hits
- voltage 55 Hits
- computing and processing 54 Hits
- fields, waves and electromagnetics 54 Hits
- zero voltage switching 54 Hits
- communication, networking and broadcast technologies 53 Hits
- trans-activators 50 Hits
- shh 49 Hits
- constant current (cc) 45 Hits
- receivers 45 Hits
- egg proteins 41 Hits
- gene expression regulation, developmental 41 Hits
- impedance 41 Hits
- constant voltage 40 Hits
- developmental biology 39 Hits
- engineered materials, dielectrics and plasmas 39 Hits
- general topics for engineers 39 Hits
- membrane glycoproteins 39 Hits
- polydactyly 39 Hits
- proteins 39 Hits
- hadron-hadron scattering 38 Hits
- limb 38 Hits
- reactive power 37 Hits
- gene expression 36 Hits
- inductive power transfer 36 Hits
- limb buds 36 Hits
- receptors, cell surface 36 Hits
- robotics and control systems 36 Hits
- sonic hedgehog 36 Hits
- aer 35 Hits
- constant voltage (cv) 35 Hits
- inductance 33 Hits
- ieee 236 Hits
- springer 126 Hits
- wiley 97 Hits
- elsevier 91 Hits
- wti-frankfurt-digital gmbh 86 Hits
45 additional values:
- springer nature 83 Hits
- wiley-blackwell 81 Hits
- elsevier b.v. 57 Hits
- institute of electrical and electronics engineers inc. 53 Hits
- mdpi ag 44 Hits
- mdpi 42 Hits
- elsevier bv 34 Hits
- springer us 26 Hits
- academic press inc. 21 Hits
- springer-verlag 21 Hits
- springer science and business media llc 19 Hits
- springer berlin heidelberg 17 Hits
- vysoke uceni technicke v brne. fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikacnich technologii 16 Hits
- the company of biologists 14 Hits
- biomed central 13 Hits
- institute of electrical and electronics engineers (ieee) 13 Hits
- springer netherlands 11 Hits
- vysoke uceni technicke v brne. fakulta podnikatelska 11 Hits
- escholarship, university of california 10 Hits
- kaden 10 Hits
- frontiers media s.a. 8 Hits
- springer international publishing 8 Hits
- american association for the advancement of science 7 Hits
- cambridge university press 7 Hits
- gale, cengage learning 7 Hits
- national academy of sciences 7 Hits
- cold spring harbor laboratory press 6 Hits
- american institute of physics 5 Hits
- packt publishing 5 Hits
- springer singapore 5 Hits
- elsevier ltd 4 Hits
- gannett company, inc. 4 Hits
- kluwer academic publishers 4 Hits
- elsevier inc. 3 Hits
- zhejiang university press 3 Hits
- blackwell publishing 2 Hits
- investor's business daily 2 Hits
- university of edinburgh 2 Hits
- acm 1 Hit
- editions kime 1 Hit
- leiden, koninklijke brill nv 1 Hit
- proquest information & learning 1 Hit
- psychologia society 1 Hit
- sz 1 Hit
- wiley-blackwell publishing ltd. 1 Hit
- development 67 Hits
- developmental biology 63 Hits
- ieee transactions on power electronics 52 Hits
- development, growth & differentiation 23 Hits
- nature 20 Hits
45 additional values:
- biology of reproduction 19 Hits
- ieee journal of emerging and selected topics in power electronics 19 Hits
- cell 17 Hits
- developmental dynamics 16 Hits
- european journal of biochemistry 14 Hits
- cell and tissue research 12 Hits
- international journal of circuit theory & applications 12 Hits
- mechanisms of development 12 Hits
- faseb journal 11 Hits
- energies (19961073) 10 Hits
- ieee access 10 Hits
- proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the united states of america 10 Hits
- science 10 Hits
- development (09501991) 9 Hits
- developmental patterning of the vertebrate limb 9 Hits
- journal of applied electrochemistry 9 Hits
- nature genetics 9 Hits
- anatomy and embryology 8 Hits
- biology open 8 Hits
- journal of experimental zoology 8 Hits
- cells tissues organs 7 Hits
- fertility and sterility 7 Hits
- nano-micro letters 7 Hits
- ieee transactions on circuits & systems. part i: regular papers 6 Hits
- ieee transactions on magnetics 6 Hits
- iet electric power applications (wiley-blackwell) 6 Hits
- journal of reproductive immunology 6 Hits
- procedia technology 6 Hits
- american journal of reproductive immunology 5 Hits
- bulletin of mathematical biology 5 Hits
- glycobiology 5 Hits
- ieee transactions on industrial electronics 5 Hits
- plos one 5 Hits
- progress in organic coatings 5 Hits
- zygote 5 Hits
- algebra and logic 4 Hits
- biomedicines 4 Hits
- bmc genomics 4 Hits
- calcified tissue international 4 Hits
- development genes and evolution 4 Hits
- encyclopedic reference of genomics and proteomics in molecular medicine 4 Hits
- frontiers in pediatrics 4 Hits
- journal of anatomy 4 Hits
- journal of industrial and engineering chemistry 4 Hits
- tesl-ej 2 Hits
- english 1,777 Hits
- unknown 353 Hits
- czech 81 Hits
- german 59 Hits
- portuguese 53 Hits
- 13 additional values:
Geographic Context
Content Provider
- BASE 1,200 Hits
- MEDLINE 265 Hits
- Scopus® 184 Hits
- Academic Search Index 181 Hits
- Complementary Index 168 Hits
33 additional values:
- Supplemental Index 162 Hits
- IEEE Xplore Digital Library 160 Hits
- wiso 115 Hits
- Unpaywall 80 Hits
- OAIster 73 Hits
- Directory of Open Access Journals 49 Hits
- Springer Nature Journals 45 Hits
- Regional Business News 41 Hits
- Springer Nature eBooks 39 Hits
- GBV Online Contents 38 Hits
- Business Source Ultimate 31 Hits
- Gale eBooks 12 Hits
- OpenDissertations 11 Hits
- hbz-Verbundkatalog 10 Hits
- Bibliotheksverbund Bayern 6 Hits
- ScienceDirect 6 Hits
- JSTOR Journals 5 Hits
- Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection 5 Hits
- BioOne Complete 5 Hits
- ERIC 4 Hits
- APA PsycInfo 3 Hits
- eScholarship 3 Hits
- USPTO Patent Applications 3 Hits
- arXiv 3 Hits
- British Library EThOS 3 Hits
- eBook Index 2 Hits
- Cambridge Core Books 1 Hit
- SZ LibraryNet 1 Hit
- ACM Full-Text Collection 1 Hit
- dblp computer science bibliography 1 Hit
- 1 Hit
- BrillOnline Reference Works 1 Hit
- PSYNDEX Literature with PSYNDEX Tests 1 Hit
2,919 Hits
In: 2023 IEEE 2nd International Power Electronics and Application Symposium (PEAS), 2023-11-10, P. 710-714Online ConferenceAccess:
In: IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 37 (2022-09-01), Issue 9, P. 11369-11381Online Academic JournalAccess:
In: IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, Vol. 9 (2021-08-01), Issue 4, P. 4918-4931Online Academic JournalAccess:
In: 2022 24th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'22 ECCE Europe), 2022-09-05, P. 1-8Online ConferenceAccess:
In: 2018 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2018-09-01, P. 1172-1176Online ConferenceAccess:
In: IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 37 (2022-04-01), Issue 4, P. 4857-4876Online Academic JournalAccess:
In: 2017 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2017-10-01, P. 4393-4397Online ConferenceAccess:
In: 2019 10th International Conference on Power Electronics and ECCE Asia (ICPE 2019 - ECCE Asia), 2019-05-01, P. 1-6Online ConferenceAccess:
For licensing reasons this title can be displayed in the campus network only or after Login!Academic JournalAccess:
In: 2018 IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference (WPTC), 2018-06-01, P. 1-4Online ConferenceAccess:
In: 2018 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 2018-03-01, P. 3138-3142Online ConferenceAccess:
In: IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, Vol. 5 (2019-12-01), Issue 4, P. 977-987Online Academic JournalAccess:
In: 2024 IEEE 7th International Electrical and Energy Conference (CIEEC), 2024-05-10, P. 1076-1081Online ConferenceAccess:
In: 2024 IEEE 7th International Electrical and Energy Conference (CIEEC), 2024-05-10, P. 1980-1985Online ConferenceAccess:
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In: 2024 IEEE 10th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC2024-ECCE Asia), 2024-05-17, P. 1569-1573Online ConferenceAccess:
In: Science, Vol. 305 (2004-07-16), Issue 5682, P. 396-399Online Academic JournalAccess:
In: IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, Vol. 10 (2024-06-01), Issue 2, P. 3492-3503Online Academic JournalAccess:
In: CoRR, Vol. abs/2305.00697 (2023)Academic JournalAccess: