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- indonesia 824 Hits
- law 750 Hits
- k law (general) 738 Hits
- droit 532 Hits
- law in general. comparative and uniform law. jurisprudence 337 Hits
45 additional values:
- k1-7720 334 Hits
- scipo 239 Hits
- hist 202 Hits
- hukum tata negara 196 Hits
- mahkamah konstitusi 167 Hits
- hukum 148 Hits
- phil 140 Hits
- uud 1945 129 Hits
- islamic law 123 Hits
- relig 123 Hits
- constitutional court 117 Hits
- pancasila 115 Hits
- socio 115 Hits
- criminal law and procedure 107 Hits
- hukum islam 107 Hits
- k5000-5582 106 Hits
- konstitusi 105 Hits
- islam 98 Hits
- constitution 95 Hits
- kbp1-4860 93 Hits
- civil law 91 Hits
- education 91 Hits
- hak asasi manusia 89 Hits
- k623-968 88 Hits
- l education (general) 88 Hits
- edu 84 Hits
- social sciences 77 Hits
- bp1-253 73 Hits
- demokrasi 71 Hits
- education (general) 69 Hits
- l7-991 69 Hits
- pendidikan 66 Hits
- high energy physics - phenomenology 65 Hits
- judicial review 62 Hits
- s1-skripsi 55 Hits
- politik hukum 52 Hits
- h social sciences (general) 51 Hits
- ilmu hukum 51 Hits
- human rights 47 Hits
- kz law of nations 47 Hits
- perlindungan hukum 47 Hits
- etd 40 Hits
- kewenangan 40 Hits
- fikih siyasah 39 Hits
- siyasah (hukum tata negara) 39 Hits
- center for open science 321 Hits
- the registrar and secretariat general of the constitutional court of the republic of indonesia 266 Hits
- constitutional court of the republic of indonesia 89 Hits
- universitas negeri semarang 84 Hits
- universitas gadjah mada 81 Hits
45 additional values:
- universitas padjadjaran 81 Hits
- springer berlin heidelberg 71 Hits
- tsns "interaktiv plus", llc 70 Hits
- wiley 70 Hits
- universitas airlangga 46 Hits
- de gruyter 40 Hits
- ridwan institute 38 Hits
- springer nature 30 Hits
- springer-verlag 28 Hits
- universitas kristen satya wacana 24 Hits
- american physical society 21 Hits
- wti-frankfurt-digital gmbh 18 Hits
- elsevier b.v. 17 Hits
- elsevier 9 Hits
- biomed central 8 Hits
- gale, cengage learning 7 Hits
- leiden, koninklijke brill nv 7 Hits
- american antiquarian society 6 Hits
- wiley-blackwell 6 Hits
- haji masagung 5 Hits
- iop publishing 5 Hits
- academic press inc. 4 Hits
- american chemical society 4 Hits
- escholarship, university of california 4 Hits
- ieee 4 Hits
- presses universitaires de france 3 Hits
- springer 3 Hits
- american journal of transportation 2 Hits
- euromoney trading limited / gulf publishing company 2 Hits
- evening standard limited 2 Hits
- ffc information solution pvt, ltd. (dba content victim) 2 Hits
- harvard university 2 Hits
- journal of international trade, logistics & law 2 Hits
- las vegas review journal, inc. 2 Hits
- new york times 2 Hits
- obur monggol-un arad-un keblel-un qoriy-a 2 Hits
- american museum of natural history 1 Hit
- associated newspapers ltd 1 Hit
- chr kaiser 1 Hit
- endter, johann andreas (dedicove) 1 Hit
- friedrich schultes 1 Hit
- johann christoph messerer 1 Hit
- johann jakob adler 1 Hit
- johann mangoldt 1 Hit
- maailman musiikin keskuk 1 Hit
- jurnal konstitusi 186 Hits
- masalah-masalah hukum 108 Hits
- jurnal hukum & pembangunan 34 Hits
- arena hukum 28 Hits
- jurnal penelitian hukum de jure 25 Hits
45 additional values:
- jahrbuch der preussischen forst- und jagdgesetzgebung und verwaltung : vierzehnter band 18 Hits
- syntax idea 16 Hits
- journal of syntax literate 12 Hits
- physics letters b 12 Hits
- jurist-diction 10 Hits
- bmc musculoskeletal disorders 9 Hits
- zeitschrift fur physik 9 Hits
- berichte der deutschen chemischen gesellschaft 8 Hits
- journal of high energy physics 8 Hits
- jurnal ilmu hukum, humaniora dan politik (jihhp) 8 Hits
- narodni knihovna ceske republiky 8 Hits
- zeitschrift fur analytische chemie 8 Hits
- zeitschrift fur physik a hadrons and nuclei 7 Hits
- acronyms, initialisms & abbreviations dictionary 6 Hits
- aip conference proceedings 6 Hits
- die fortschritte der physik im jahre ... 1868, jahrgang 24 6 Hits
- journal of comprehensive science (jcs) 6 Hits
- journal of syntax transformation 6 Hits
- kritische vierteljahresschrift fur gesetzgebung und rechtswissenschaft (kritv) 5 Hits
- archiv der pharmazie 4 Hits
- deutsche zeitschrift fur chirurgie 4 Hits
- ethnologie francaise 4 Hits
- journal of islamic marketing 4 Hits
- physical review letters 4 Hits
- air et cosmos : aviation magazine international 3 Hits
- brockelmann online 3 Hits
- fresenius' zeitschrift fur analytische chemie 3 Hits
- journal of bone and mineral metabolism 3 Hits
- journal of physics: conference series 3 Hits
- journal of the illuminating engineering society 3 Hits
- kant-studien : philosophische zeitschrift der kant-gesellschaft 3 Hits
- stand - konzepte - fortschritte, vdi-fachtagung emissionsminderung, 5 3 Hits
- zeitschrift fur krebsforschung 3 Hits
- airfinance journal 2 Hits
- american journal of transportation 2 Hits
- atmospheric environment 2 Hits
- european journal of social psychology 2 Hits
- evening standard 2 Hits
- global & planetary change 2 Hits
- harvard international law journal 2 Hits
- interface 2 Hits
- journal of international trade, logistics & law 2 Hits
- las vegas business press (10712186) 2 Hits
- new york times 2 Hits
- tendersinfo news 2 Hits
- english 6,733 Hits
- indonesian 4,011 Hits
- unknown 1,490 Hits
- german 247 Hits
- arabic 75 Hits
26 additional values:
- russian 63 Hits
- japanese 40 Hits
- finnish 38 Hits
- undetermined 34 Hits
- french 22 Hits
- mongolian 16 Hits
- interlingua (international auxiliary language association) 9 Hits
- latin 8 Hits
- malay 5 Hits
- spanish; castilian 5 Hits
- chinese 2 Hits
- czech 2 Hits
- hebrew 2 Hits
- italian 2 Hits
- korean 2 Hits
- english, old (ca.450-1100) 1 Hit
- hungarian 1 Hit
- mandingo 1 Hit
- no linguistic content 1 Hit
- portuguese 1 Hit
- romanian; moldavian; moldovan 1 Hit
- samaritan aramaic 1 Hit
- serbian 1 Hit
- spanish 1 Hit
- swedish 1 Hit
- turkish 1 Hit
Geographic Context
Content Provider
- BASE 10,372 Hits
- OAIster 2,454 Hits
- Directory of Open Access Journals 681 Hits
- Unpaywall 403 Hits
- Complementary Index 119 Hits
36 additional values:
- HathiTrust 95 Hits
- Springer Nature eBooks 83 Hits
- Bibliotheksverbund Bayern 74 Hits
- Academic Search Index 70 Hits
- arXiv 61 Hits
- Scopus® 48 Hits
- Supplemental Index 41 Hits
- hbz-Verbundkatalog 28 Hits
- Springer Nature Journals 28 Hits
- wiso 27 Hits
- MEDLINE 25 Hits
- JSTOR Journals 24 Hits
- GBV Online Contents 23 Hits
- De Gruyter Online 15 Hits
- Manuscriptorium Digital Library 11 Hits
- SCOAP3 9 Hits
- Gale eBooks 8 Hits
- BrillOnline Reference Works 7 Hits
- Business Source Ultimate 7 Hits
- Regional Business News 5 Hits
- DigiZeitschriften 4 Hits
- Biodiversity Heritage Library 4 Hits
- American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection: Series 5 4 Hits
- IEEE Xplore Digital Library 4 Hits
- ScienceDirect 4 Hits
- RILM Abstracts of Music Literature 4 Hits
- RÖMPP Online 3 Hits
- Atla Religion Database 3 Hits
- OpenDissertations 2 Hits
- 2 Hits
- eScholarship 2 Hits
- GreenFILE 2 Hits
- APA PsycInfo 2 Hits
- Research Starters 2 Hits
- USPTO Patent Applications 1 Hit
- Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection 1 Hit
14,762 Hits
For licensing reasons this title can be displayed in the campus network only or after Login!Academic JournalAccess:
In: Олон улс судлал, Vol. 46 (2023-12-01), Issue 116, P. 72-88Online Academic JournalAccess:
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For licensing reasons this title can be displayed in the campus network only or after Login!Academic JournalAccess:
In: Progresif, Vol. 17 (2023-07-01), Issue 1, P. 87-107Online Academic JournalAccess:
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