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- human 8 Hits
- astrophysics - instrumentation and methods for astrophysics 5 Hits
- optimism 5 Hits
- pessimism 5 Hits
- psychosexual development 5 Hits
45 additional values:
- adulthood (18 yrs & older) 4 Hits
- captivity 3 Hits
- composition of the continental crust 3 Hits
- counterproductivity (labor) 3 Hits
- electrical anisotropy 3 Hits
- employability 3 Hits
- employees 3 Hits
- executive function 3 Hits
- expected utility 3 Hits
- female 3 Hits
- job performance 3 Hits
- job qualifications 3 Hits
- magnetotellurics 3 Hits
- magrath (alta.) -- newsletters 3 Hits
- male 3 Hits
- north america 3 Hits
- occupations 3 Hits
- parasitosis 3 Hits
- psittacidae 3 Hits
- psychoanalytic theory 3 Hits
- risk-averse 3 Hits
- stroke 3 Hits
- agent 2 Hits
- attitude (psychology) 2 Hits
- bifocal 2 Hits
- bird infections 2 Hits
- bird parasites 2 Hits
- budgerigar 2 Hits
- cautividad 2 Hits
- cerebrovascular disease patient rehabilitation 2 Hits
- decision support systems 2 Hits
- depressed persons 2 Hits
- digital signal processing 2 Hits
- eimeria 2 Hits
- electrical properties 2 Hits
- employment 2 Hits
- geothermal engineering 2 Hits
- information sharing 2 Hits
- intermediate vision 2 Hits
- internal structure of the earth 2 Hits
- intestinal parasites 2 Hits
- intraocular lens 2 Hits
- introduced species 2 Hits
- law enforcement 2 Hits
- management information systems 2 Hits
- gale, cengage learning 7 Hits
- ios press 6 Hits
- taylor & francis ltd 4 Hits
- wiley 4 Hits
- cambridge university press 3 Hits
45 additional values:
- j. a. ririe 3 Hits
- wiley-blackwell 3 Hits
- [washington, for sale by the supt. of docs., u. s. govt. print. off.] 2 Hits
- alma mater studiorum - universita di bologna 2 Hits
- british psychological society 2 Hits
- ieee 2 Hits
- mit press 2 Hits
- oxford university press / usa 2 Hits
- psychological reports 2 Hits
- sage publications 2 Hits
- spie, the international society for optical engineering 2 Hits
- superintendent of documents 2 Hits
- universidad nacional de colombia, facultad de biologia 2 Hits
- university of belgrade 2 Hits
- wiley-blackwell publishing ltd. 2 Hits
- zentralbibliothek der wirtschaftswissenschaften in der bundesrepublik deutschland 2 Hits
- american society for competitiveness 1 Hit
- australian academic press 1 Hit
- belgrade university, faculty of organizational sciences 1 Hit
- blackwell publishing 1 Hit
- bureau of labor statistics 1 Hit
- cambridge university press (cup) 1 Hit
- ecuador: latacunga: universidad tecnica de cotopaxi; utc. 1 Hit
- elsevier b.v. 1 Hit
- elsevier science 1 Hit
- federacion latinoamericana de parasitologos 1 Hit
- for sale by the supt. of docs., u. s. govt. print. off.] 1 Hit
- heldref publications 1 Hit
- herman otto intezet nonprofit kft. 1 Hit
- institut seni indonesia yogyakarta 1 Hit
- kluwer 1 Hit
- leiden, koninklijke brill nv 1 Hit
- letchworth 1 Hit
- new york 1 Hit
- open science llc 1 Hit
- oxford university press (oup) 1 Hit
- pe 1 Hit
- place:1000 20th st, po box 10, bellingham, wa 98227-0010 usa 1 Hit
- scuola internazionale superiore di studi avanzati 1 Hit
- sociedad espanola de parasitologia 1 Hit
- spie 1 Hit
- springer nature 1 Hit
- springer netherlands 1 Hit
- taylor & francis 1 Hit
- us gov. print. off. 1 Hit
- acronyms, initialisms & abbreviations dictionary 6 Hits
- journal of psychology 5 Hits
- work 4 Hits
- behaviour change 3 Hits
- computer music journal 3 Hits
31 additional values:
- geophysical journal international 3 Hits
- international journal of selection & assessment 3 Hits
- scanned images 3 Hits
- yugoslav journal of operations research 3 Hits
- acta biologica colombiana 2 Hits
- decision support systems 2 Hits
- federal probation 2 Hits
- international ophthalmology 2 Hits
- psychological reports 2 Hits
- acronyms, initialisms, & abbreviations dictionary 1 Hit
- acronyms, initialisms, and abbreviations dictionary 1 Hit
- arquivos de ciencias veterinarias e zoologia da unipar; v. 8 n. 2 (2005) ; 1982-1131 1 Hit
- british journal of clinical psychology 1 Hit
- british journal of medical psychology 1 Hit
- british journal of social & clinical psychology 1 Hit
- competition forum 1 Hit
- horticulture / kertgazdasag 1 Hit
- ieee journal of quantum electronics, quantum electronics, ieee journal of, ieee j. quantum electron. 1 Hit
- ieee transactions on professional communication, professional communication, ieee transactions on, ieee trans. profess. commun. 1 Hit
- international journal of selection and assessment 1 Hit
- international ophthalmology: the international journal of clinical ophthalmology and visual sciences 1 Hit
- occupational outlook quarterly 1 Hit
- science and education; vol. 5 no. 6 (2024): science and education 1 Hit
- supplementum epigraphicum graecum 1 Hit
- the journal of genetic psychology: research and theory on human development 1 Hit
- the pedagogical seminary 1 Hit
- the pedagogical seminary and journal of genetic psychology 1 Hit
- universidad nacional mayor de san marcos ; repositorio de tesis - unmsm 1 Hit
- washington, dc: us gov. print. off. 1 Hit
- work reading mass 1 Hit
- work: journal of prevention, assessment & rehabilitation 1 Hit
Geographic Context
Content Provider
- BASE 33 Hits
- Complementary Index 11 Hits
- APA PsycInfo 8 Hits
- Gale eBooks 8 Hits
- Academic Search Index 7 Hits
18 additional values:
- OAIster 6 Hits
- Business Source Ultimate 5 Hits
- MEDLINE 4 Hits
- HathiTrust 3 Hits
- arXiv 3 Hits
- wiso 2 Hits
- Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection 2 Hits
- IEEE Xplore Digital Library 2 Hits
- Directory of Open Access Journals 1 Hit
- Bibliotheksverbund Bayern 1 Hit
- hbz-Verbundkatalog 1 Hit
- RILM Abstracts of Music Literature 1 Hit
- GBV Online Contents 1 Hit
- USPTO Patent Applications 1 Hit
- BrillOnline Reference Works 1 Hit
- Springer Nature Journals 1 Hit
- Supplemental Index 1 Hit
- ERIC 1 Hit
104 Hits
In: Science and Education; Vol. 5 No. 6 (2024): Science and Education, 2024Academic JournalAccess:
1999Online Serial PeriodicalAccess:
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In: Acta Biológica Colombiana, Vol. 29 (2024-05-01), Issue 2, P. 117-123Online Academic JournalAccess:
Online Academic JournalAccess:
In: Academic JournalAccess:
For licensing reasons this title can be displayed in the campus network only or after Login!ReferenceAccess:
In: International Ophthalmology, Vol. 44 (2024), Issue 1, P. 1-10Online Academic JournalAccess: