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- cochlea 11 Hits
- astrophysics - earth and planetary astrophysics 10 Hits
- conflict 7 Hits
- drc 7 Hits
- health status 7 Hits
45 additional values:
- population 7 Hits
- prodrugs 7 Hits
- south kivu 7 Hits
- hydrazones 6 Hits
- dwarf stars 5 Hits
- fructose 5 Hits
- protein kinases 5 Hits
- tumor 5 Hits
- whodas 5 Hits
- acoustic trauma 4 Hits
- calciumkanal 4 Hits
- ddc:610 4 Hits
- diabetes 4 Hits
- inner hair cell 4 Hits
- inner planets 4 Hits
- james webb space telescope (spacecraft) 4 Hits
- kernenergie 4 Hits
- laboratory rats 4 Hits
- medicine 4 Hits
- meerschweinchen 4 Hits
- molecular imaging 4 Hits
- molecular probes 4 Hits
- neoplasms 4 Hits
- peptide hydrolases 4 Hits
- streptozotocin 4 Hits
- water vapor 4 Hits
- animals 3 Hits
- antibodies 3 Hits
- bandersynapse 3 Hits
- bp1-253 3 Hits
- calcium 3 Hits
- cancer 3 Hits
- carotenoids 3 Hits
- cell line 3 Hits
- components, circuits, devices and systems 3 Hits
- computing and processing 3 Hits
- ddc:590 3 Hits
- energiepolitik 3 Hits
- entsorgung 3 Hits
- extrasolar planets 3 Hits
- female 3 Hits
- fluorescence 3 Hits
- forschung 3 Hits
- habitable planets 3 Hits
- hair cells 3 Hits
- springer nature 16 Hits
- wti-frankfurt-digital gmbh 10 Hits
- gale, cengage learning 7 Hits
- elsevier b.v. 6 Hits
- german medical science; dusseldorf, koln 6 Hits
45 additional values:
- ieee 6 Hits
- iop publishing 6 Hits
- biomed central 5 Hits
- escholarship, university of california 5 Hits
- ihz 5 Hits
- springer medizin 5 Hits
- immobilien zeitung verlagsgesellschaft mbh 4 Hits
- saarlandische universitats- und landesbibliothek 3 Hits
- springer 3 Hits
- springer science and business media llc 3 Hits
- springer-verlag 3 Hits
- universitas muhammadiyah yogyakarta 3 Hits
- universitat tubingen 3 Hits
- university of groningen 3 Hits
- verlegergemeinschaft werk, bauen + wohnen 3 Hits
- [verlag nicht ermittelbar] 2 Hits
- associated newspapers ltd 2 Hits
- bilkent university 2 Hits
- bmc 2 Hits
- cambridge university press 2 Hits
- elsevier 2 Hits
- lang 2 Hits
- metropolis international group ltd. 2 Hits
- nature portfolio 2 Hits
- nature publishing group 2 Hits
- nature publishing group uk 2 Hits
- springer berlin heidelberg 2 Hits
- springer international publishing 2 Hits
- springer verlag 2 Hits
- trace: tennessee research and creative exchange 2 Hits
- zenodo 2 Hits
- american academy of audiology 1 Hit
- biomed central ltd. 1 Hit
- chinese mental health 1 Hit
- de gruyter 1 Hit
- elsevier inc. 1 Hit
- marshall cavendish corporation 1 Hit
- mdpi 1 Hit
- royal society of chemistry 1 Hit
- springer science and business media deutschland gmbh 1 Hit
- springer us 1 Hit
- springer vienna 1 Hit
- steinkopff 1 Hit
- thieme medical publishers, inc. 1 Hit
- wiley blackwell 1 Hit
- scientific reports 16 Hits
- acronyms, initialisms & abbreviations dictionary 6 Hits
- salem press biographical encyclopedia 6 Hits
- astrophysical journal 4 Hits
- hno 4 Hits
45 additional values:
- immobilien-zeitung 4 Hits
- photochemical & photobiological sciences 4 Hits
- conflict and health 3 Hits
- european journal of medical research 3 Hits
- febs letters 3 Hits
- journal of islamic economic and business research 3 Hits
- journal of the geological society of india 3 Hits
- aeronautical journal 2 Hits
- archives of oto-rhino-laryngology 2 Hits
- astrobiology 2 Hits
- clinical research in cardiology 2 Hits
- conflict & health 2 Hits
- daily mail 2 Hits
- doctoral dissertations 2 Hits
- electronics weekly 2 Hits
- elektrie 2 Hits
- hno: deutsche gesellschaft fur hals-nasen-ohren-heilkunde, kopf- und hals-chirurgie 2 Hits
- journal of chromatography a 2 Hits
- life sciences 2 Hits
- mmw fortschritte der medizin 2 Hits
- mmw-fortschritte der medizin 2 Hits
- the astrophysical journal 2 Hits
- unfallchirurg 2 Hits
- vestibularfunktion 2 Hits
- $2 1 Hit
- 2012 international conference on industrial control and electronics engineering, industrial control and electronics engineering (icicee), 2012 international conference on 1 Hit
- 2020 ieee transportation electrification conference & expo (itec), transportation electrification conference & expo (itec), 2020 ieee 1 Hit
- 2020 international conference on electrical engineering (icee), electrical engineering (icee), 2020 international conference on 1 Hit
- 2023 3rd international conference on new energy and power engineering (icnepe), new energy and power engineering (icnepe), 2023 3rd international conference on 1 Hit
- acute elbow trauma : fractures and dislocation injuries 1 Hit
- antioxidants 1 Hit
- antioxidants basel switzerland 1 Hit
- beschleunigungsverletzung der halswirbelsaule : "hws-schleudertrauma" 1 Hit
- biographical encyclopedia of mathematicians 1 Hit
- chinese mental health journal 1 Hit
- clinical research in cardiology official journal of the german cardiac society 1 Hit
- der gleichgewichtssinn : neues aus forschung und klinik 6. henning-symposium, berlin 1 Hit
- die denkmalpflege 1 Hit
- free radical biology and medicine 1 Hit
- journal of the american academy of audiology 1 Hit
- mammalian subventricular zones : their roles in brain development, cell replacement and disease 1 Hit
- teil ii: sitzungsbericht 1 Hit
- the astrophysical journal letters 1 Hit
- werk, bauen + wohnen 1 Hit
- wettbewerbe aktuell 1 Hit
Geographic Context
Content Provider
- BASE 58 Hits
- OAIster 25 Hits
- Bibliotheksverbund Bayern 19 Hits
- wiso 17 Hits
- MEDLINE 16 Hits
23 additional values:
- Academic Search Index 16 Hits
- Complementary Index 15 Hits
- Springer Nature Journals 12 Hits
- hbz-Verbundkatalog 10 Hits
- Gale eBooks 9 Hits
- Research Starters 8 Hits
- Scopus® 8 Hits
- Supplemental Index 7 Hits
- arXiv 5 Hits
- IEEE Xplore Digital Library 5 Hits
- Springer Nature eBooks 5 Hits
- Directory of Open Access Journals 4 Hits
- OpenDissertations 4 Hits
- NASA Technical Reports 2 Hits
- FIS Bildung Literaturdatenbank (German Education Index) 2 Hits
- APA PsycInfo 2 Hits
- eScholarship 2 Hits
- De Gruyter Online 1 Hit
- Regional Business News 1 Hit
- RSWB®plus 1 Hit
- ScienceDirect 1 Hit
- E-Periodica 1 Hit
- Business Source Ultimate 1 Hit
257 Hits
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