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- ddr 450 Hits
- sozialismus 320 Hits
- gravity waves 310 Hits
- wissenschaft 227 Hits
- historische entwicklung 218 Hits
45 additional values:
- entwicklung 196 Hits
- bundesrepublik deutschland 176 Hits
- internal gravity waves 161 Hits
- internal waves 134 Hits
- kapitalismus 132 Hits
- marxismus-leninismus 109 Hits
- gesellschaft 101 Hits
- technische entwicklung 98 Hits
- forschung 96 Hits
- philosophie 90 Hits
- fortschritt 89 Hits
- atmosphere 84 Hits
- hydrodynamics 84 Hits
- udssr 84 Hits
- wirtschaft 83 Hits
- astrophysics - solar and stellar astrophysics 80 Hits
- stratosphere 79 Hits
- theorie 79 Hits
- technik 77 Hits
- staatsmonopolistischer kapitalismus 74 Hits
- nordamerika 72 Hits
- usa 72 Hits
- ionosphere 71 Hits
- krise 70 Hits
- arbeit 69 Hits
- earth sciences 66 Hits
- turbulence 66 Hits
- natural resources and environment 63 Hits
- wirtschaftspolitik 63 Hits
- dialektik 61 Hits
- environmental assessments 60 Hits
- waves 59 Hits
- kpd 56 Hits
- begriff 55 Hits
- marxismus 55 Hits
- produktion 55 Hits
- imperialismus 54 Hits
- kritik 54 Hits
- interdependenz 52 Hits
- personlichkeit 52 Hits
- science 52 Hits
- ideologie 51 Hits
- deutschland 50 Hits
- rustung 49 Hits
- arbeitsbedingungen 47 Hits
- gesis - leibniz-institut fur sozialwissenschaften 1,521 Hits
- dfv mediengruppe 231 Hits
- hal ccsd 172 Hits
- springer nature 135 Hits
- wiley-blackwell 90 Hits
45 additional values:
- american meteorological society 84 Hits
- elsevier b.v. 74 Hits
- ieee 60 Hits
- edp sciences 52 Hits
- copernicus publications 46 Hits
- wiley 39 Hits
- mdpi ag 37 Hits
- american geophysical union 34 Hits
- mdpi 34 Hits
- iop publishing 31 Hits
- igw 26 Hits
- cambridge university press 24 Hits
- pleiades publishing 24 Hits
- american physical society 20 Hits
- springer berlin heidelberg 19 Hits
- elsevier 17 Hits
- elsevier ltd 12 Hits
- neufeld verlag 11 Hits
- springer international publishing 11 Hits
- national academy of sciences 10 Hits
- springer verlag 10 Hits
- elsevier bv 9 Hits
- escholarship, university of california 9 Hits
- gale, cengage learning 8 Hits
- life science alliance, llc 8 Hits
- springer fachmedien wiesbaden 8 Hits
- vysoke uceni technicke v brne. fakulta strojniho inzenyrstvi 8 Hits
- american geophysical union (agu) 7 Hits
- institute of electrical and electronics engineers inc. 6 Hits
- iuscholarworks 6 Hits
- spie 6 Hits
- uppsala universitet, institutionen for immunologi, genetik och patologi 6 Hits
- academic press 5 Hits
- american public health association 5 Hits
- science press 5 Hits
- springer 4 Hits
- apex press & publishing 3 Hits
- crain communications inc. (mi) 3 Hits
- taylor & francis 3 Hits
- associated newspapers ltd 2 Hits
- de gruyter oldenbourg 2 Hits
- edition humanistische psychologie 2 Hits
- information today inc. 2 Hits
- operative dentistry 2 Hits
- agathon press 1 Hit
- igw-report uber wissenschaft und technologie in den neuen bundeslandern sowie mittel- und osteuropaischen landern 72 Hits
- lebensmittel zeitung 69 Hits
- journal of the atmospheric sciences 50 Hits
- allgemeine fleischer zeitung 42 Hits
- izvestiya, atmospheric & oceanic physics 40 Hits
45 additional values:
- agrarzeitung 30 Hits
- remote sensing 26 Hits
- geomagnetism & aeronomy 25 Hits
- geomagnetism and aeronomy 25 Hits
- monthly notices of the royal astronomical society 23 Hits
- advances in space research 19 Hits
- annales geophysicae 18 Hits
- journal of fluid mechanics 18 Hits
- journal of geophysical research. atmospheres 18 Hits
- aviation week & space technology 17 Hits
- journal of geophysical research. oceans 16 Hits
- solar-terrestrial physics 16 Hits
- geophysical research letters 14 Hits
- atmosphere 12 Hits
- journal of physical oceanography 12 Hits
- proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the united states of america 12 Hits
- immunogenetics 10 Hits
- cosmic research 9 Hits
- journal of advances in modeling earth systems 9 Hits
- quarterly journal of the royal meteorological society 9 Hits
- wasserwirtschaft 9 Hits
- atmospheric measurement techniques 7 Hits
- ground water 7 Hits
- waste management 7 Hits
- journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics 6 Hits
- advances in atmospheric sciences 5 Hits
- american journal of public health 5 Hits
- bmc immunology 5 Hits
- environmental modelling & software 5 Hits
- research in higher education 5 Hits
- advanced materials research 4 Hits
- environmental modelling and software 4 Hits
- ieee transactions on vehicular technology 4 Hits
- journal of studies in international education 4 Hits
- science china earth sciences 4 Hits
- businesstoday 3 Hits
- crain's cleveland business 3 Hits
- european journal of engineering education 3 Hits
- journal of applied geophysics 3 Hits
- journal of environmental radioactivity 3 Hits
- tectonophysics 3 Hits
- zeitschrift fur larmbekampfung 3 Hits
- information today 2 Hits
- innovations in education and teaching international 2 Hits
- mull und abfall 2 Hits
- english 1,783 Hits
- german 993 Hits
- unknown 275 Hits
- undetermined 47 Hits
- russian 15 Hits
- 14 additional values:
Geographic Context
Content Provider
- wiso 1,897 Hits
- BASE 1,029 Hits
- OAIster 494 Hits
- World Affairs Online WAO 462 Hits
- Complementary Index 350 Hits
41 additional values:
- Academic Search Index 273 Hits
- Scopus® 111 Hits
- arXiv 104 Hits
- hbz-Verbundkatalog 95 Hits
- Springer Nature Journals 93 Hits
- Supplemental Index 90 Hits
- Business Source Ultimate 84 Hits
- Bibliotheksverbund Bayern 68 Hits
- MEDLINE 64 Hits
- Directory of Open Access Journals 64 Hits
- FIS Bildung Literaturdatenbank (German Education Index) 63 Hits
- GBV Online Contents 55 Hits
- IEEE Xplore Digital Library 51 Hits
- GreenFILE 29 Hits
- Unpaywall 29 Hits
- Springer Nature eBooks 27 Hits
- eBook Index 14 Hits
- OpenDissertations 13 Hits
- USPTO Patent Applications 11 Hits
- Regional Business News 11 Hits
- ScienceDirect 11 Hits
- Gale eBooks 10 Hits
- NASA Technical Reports 10 Hits
- HathiTrust 9 Hits
- RSWB®plus 8 Hits
- PSYNDEX Literature with PSYNDEX Tests 7 Hits
- JSTOR Journals 5 Hits
- APA PsycInfo 4 Hits
- Atla Religion Database 4 Hits
- ERIC 4 Hits
- ACM Full-Text Collection 3 Hits
- eScholarship 3 Hits
- De Gruyter Online 3 Hits
- dblp computer science bibliography 2 Hits
- Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts 2 Hits
- British Library EThOS 2 Hits
- SAGE Knowledge 1 Hit
- Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection 1 Hit
- Nexis Uni: Law Reviews 1 Hit
- Statista 1 Hit
- SZ LibraryNet 1 Hit
5,673 Hits
2024Serial PeriodicalAccess:
2024Serial PeriodicalAccess:
For licensing reasons this title can be displayed in the campus network only or after Login!BookAccess:
In: 2024 7th International Conference on Information Technologies in Engineering Education (Inforino), 2024-04-16, P. 1-4Online ConferenceAccess:
For licensing reasons this title can be displayed in the campus network only or after Login!ReferenceAccess:
In: Indiana Journal of Earth Sciences, 2024-01-02Online Serial PeriodicalAccess:
EHP Edition Humanistische Psychologie, 2020BookAccess:
In: Think Tanks im Gesundheitswesen; (2020)Online BookAccess:
In: Advances in Space Research, Vol. 56 (2015-07-15), Issue 2, P. 333-340Online Academic JournalAccess:
For licensing reasons this title can be displayed in the campus network only or after Login!Academic JournalAccess:
For licensing reasons this title can be displayed in the campus network only or after Login!Serial PeriodicalAccess:
For licensing reasons this title can be displayed in the campus network only or after Login!Serial PeriodicalAccess:
In: Indiana Journal of Earth Sciences, 2023-01-26Online Serial PeriodicalAccess:
In: Indiana Journal of Earth Sciences, 2023-01-03Online Serial PeriodicalAccess:
In: Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Vol. 73 (2011), Issue 5, P. 567-577Online Academic JournalAccess:
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For licensing reasons this title can be displayed in the campus network only or after Login!Serial PeriodicalAccess:
In: IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 50 (2022-09-01), Issue 9, P. 2603-2608Online Academic JournalAccess: