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- global positioning system 1,719 Hits
- igs 1,127 Hits
- gnss 1,108 Hits
- gps 1,038 Hits
- immunoglobulins 957 Hits
45 additional values:
- ionosphere 784 Hits
- phylogeny 625 Hits
- precise point positioning 538 Hits
- science 527 Hits
- geo 472 Hits
- [sdv]life sciences [q-bio] 460 Hits
- geodesy 342 Hits
- ppp 325 Hits
- medicine 318 Hits
- signal processing and analysis 315 Hits
- communication, networking and broadcast technologies 297 Hits
- computing and processing 293 Hits
- envir 276 Hits
- immunology 267 Hits
- components, circuits, devices and systems 265 Hits
- ribosomal dna 257 Hits
- immunoglobulin g 255 Hits
- orbit determination 243 Hits
- genetics 226 Hits
- polymerase chain reaction 225 Hits
- tec 220 Hits
- biology (general) 217 Hits
- qh301-705.5 217 Hits
- total electron content 210 Hits
- its 204 Hits
- [sde]environmental sciences 199 Hits
- immunoglobulin 191 Hits
- glonass 185 Hits
- info:eu-repo/classification/ddc 185 Hits
- dna 184 Hits
- precise point positioning (ppp) 184 Hits
- b cells 182 Hits
- microbiology 182 Hits
- power, energy and industry applications 182 Hits
- galileo 180 Hits
- genetic diversity 180 Hits
- accuracy 179 Hits
- rdna 178 Hits
- qb275-343 176 Hits
- recombinant dna 176 Hits
- []life sciences [q-bio]/microbiology and parasitology/virology 168 Hits
- intergenic spacer 167 Hits
- nucleotide sequence 166 Hits
- taxonomy 166 Hits
- cyanobacteria 165 Hits
- springer nature 1,683 Hits
- elsevier b.v. 1,207 Hits
- mdpi 954 Hits
- wiley-blackwell 950 Hits
- ieee 877 Hits
45 additional values:
- mdpi ag 823 Hits
- elsevier 792 Hits
- wiley 731 Hits
- springer berlin heidelberg 638 Hits
- oxford university press 429 Hits
- biomed central 418 Hits
- springer science and business media llc 404 Hits
- springer-verlag 377 Hits
- taylor & francis ltd 357 Hits
- springer 341 Hits
- oxford university press / usa 320 Hits
- springer international publishing 318 Hits
- frontiers media s.a. 280 Hits
- american association of immunologists 273 Hits
- public library of science 255 Hits
- elsevier bv 254 Hits
- american society for microbiology 242 Hits
- elsevier ltd 237 Hits
- nature publishing group 235 Hits
- springer verlag 227 Hits
- public library of science (plos) 152 Hits
- escholarship, university of california 150 Hits
- springer netherlands 150 Hits
- sage publications 134 Hits
- canadian science publishing 133 Hits
- de gruyter 120 Hits
- cambridge university press 110 Hits
- igs 105 Hits
- elsevier science 101 Hits
- hindawi limited 100 Hits
- sage publications inc. 93 Hits
- sciendo 83 Hits
- american chemical society 79 Hits
- institute of general semantics, inc. 68 Hits
- edp sciences 59 Hits
- cell press 53 Hits
- groupe le monde 50 Hits
- american association for the advancement of science 41 Hits
- bmj publishing group 30 Hits
- pensoft publishers 28 Hits
- dow jones & company inc 15 Hits
- presses universitaires blaise pascal 14 Hits
- sage publications, ltd. 13 Hits
- american psychological association 6 Hits
- educational publishing foundation 4 Hits
- journal of geodesy 424 Hits
- remote sensing 397 Hits
- gps solutions 361 Hits
- advances in space research 331 Hits
- plos one 221 Hits
45 additional values:
- biuletyn igs 180 Hits
- blood 154 Hits
- scientific reports 142 Hits
- frontiers in immunology 106 Hits
- geodesy and geodynamics 105 Hits
- proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the united states of america 102 Hits
- international journal of molecular sciences 93 Hits
- sensors 78 Hits
- earth, planets and space 77 Hits
- plant systematics and evolution 76 Hits
- etc: a review of general semantics 73 Hits
- satellite navigation 72 Hits
- genome 69 Hits
- artificial satellites 64 Hits
- mycologia 64 Hits
- journal of applied geodesy 61 Hits
- obesity surgery 58 Hits
- microbial ecology 54 Hits
- journal of surveying engineering 48 Hits
- journal of chemical ecology 46 Hits
- international journal of food microbiology 42 Hits
- journal of molecular evolution 42 Hits
- nucleic acids research 40 Hits
- phytopathology 40 Hits
- european journal of plant pathology 37 Hits
- geo-spatial information science 37 Hits
- the journal of experimental medicine 37 Hits
- geodetski vestnik 36 Hits
- oecologia 36 Hits
- mycological research 35 Hits
- journal of phycology 34 Hits
- phytopathologia mediterranea 32 Hits
- bmc genomics 31 Hits
- journal of earth system science 31 Hits
- journal of business research 27 Hits
- american journal of botany 25 Hits
- bmc bioinformatics 23 Hits
- parasitology 23 Hits
- annals of botany 22 Hits
- bone marrow transplantation 20 Hits
- journal of alzheimer's disease 17 Hits
- results in physics 14 Hits
- acta neuropathologica 13 Hits
- frontiers in psychology 7 Hits
- journal of medical internet research 3 Hits
- english 30,632 Hits
- unknown 2,427 Hits
- german 1,195 Hits
- portuguese 747 Hits
- french 679 Hits
45 additional values:
- spanish; castilian 634 Hits
- chinese 361 Hits
- undetermined 336 Hits
- turkish 159 Hits
- polish 152 Hits
- indonesian 116 Hits
- italian 78 Hits
- russian 75 Hits
- spanish 61 Hits
- japanese 42 Hits
- ukrainian 37 Hits
- croatian 35 Hits
- slovenian 31 Hits
- czech 22 Hits
- arabic 18 Hits
- hindi 18 Hits
- hungarian 18 Hits
- persian 18 Hits
- greek, modern (1453-) 15 Hits
- lithuanian 14 Hits
- catalan; valencian 12 Hits
- korean 9 Hits
- serbian 9 Hits
- bosnian 7 Hits
- finnish 5 Hits
- latvian 4 Hits
- romanian; moldavian; moldovan 4 Hits
- slovak 4 Hits
- swedish 4 Hits
- basque 3 Hits
- bokm�l, norwegian; norwegian bokm�l 3 Hits
- dutch; flemish 3 Hits
- hebrew 3 Hits
- icelandic 3 Hits
- afrikaans 2 Hits
- danish 2 Hits
- dutch 2 Hits
- estonian 2 Hits
- mongolian 2 Hits
- no linguistic content; not applicable 2 Hits
- norwegian 2 Hits
- thai 2 Hits
- vietnamese 2 Hits
- mandingo 1 Hit
- multiple languages 1 Hit
Geographic Context
Content Provider
- BASE 16,056 Hits
- MEDLINE 3,823 Hits
- Complementary Index 3,819 Hits
- Academic Search Index 3,783 Hits
- Scopus® 2,253 Hits
59 additional values:
- OAIster 1,981 Hits
- Supplemental Index 1,862 Hits
- Springer Nature Journals 1,292 Hits
- Directory of Open Access Journals 1,241 Hits
- Unpaywall 840 Hits
- wiso 820 Hits
- Springer Nature eBooks 812 Hits
- GBV Online Contents 599 Hits
- IEEE Xplore Digital Library 561 Hits
- Business Source Ultimate 523 Hits
- Regional Business News 339 Hits
- FIS Bildung Literaturdatenbank (German Education Index) 336 Hits
- JSTOR Journals 257 Hits
- hbz-Verbundkatalog 248 Hits
- ScienceDirect 218 Hits
- RSWB®plus 204 Hits
- Bibliotheksverbund Bayern 197 Hits
- Gale eBooks 133 Hits
- APA PsycInfo 119 Hits
- NASA Technical Reports 118 Hits
- OpenDissertations 100 Hits
- USPTO Patent Applications 82 Hits
- dblp computer science bibliography 79 Hits
- ProjectMUSE 74 Hits
- World Affairs Online WAO 67 Hits
- arXiv 67 Hits
- GreenFILE 65 Hits
- Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection 62 Hits
- De Gruyter Online 49 Hits
- eScholarship 48 Hits
- British Library EThOS 46 Hits
- eBook Index 41 Hits
- Sciendo 37 Hits
- BioOne Complete 36 Hits
- ERIC 27 Hits
- BrillOnline Reference Works 26 Hits
- HathiTrust 20 Hits
- Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts 19 Hits
- MLA International Bibliography 17 Hits
- PSYNDEX Literature with PSYNDEX Tests 16 Hits
- ACM Full-Text Collection 11 Hits
- E-Periodica 9 Hits
- Open Research Library 6 Hits
- 5 Hits
- APA PsycArticles 4 Hits
- Nexis Uni: Law Reviews 4 Hits
- Statista 3 Hits
- Newswires 3 Hits
- Research Starters 2 Hits
- SZ LibraryNet 2 Hits
- Torrossa 2 Hits
- BLLDB (Bibliography of Linguistic Lit/Bibliographie Linguistischer Lit) 2 Hits
- utb elibrary 2 Hits
- SAGE Knowledge 1 Hit
- Cambridge Core Books 1 Hit
- Adam Matthew Digital 1 Hit
- DigiZeitschriften 1 Hit
- Government Publishing Office Catalog 1 Hit
- RÖMPP Online 1 Hit
43,473 Hits
2024Academic JournalAccess:
In: GPS Solutions: The Journal of Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Vol. 28 (2024-07-01), Issue 3Online Academic JournalAccess:
In: Journal of Geodesy: Continuation of Bulletin Géodésique and manuscripta geodaetica, Vol. 98 (2024-06-01), Issue 6Online Academic JournalAccess:
In: Journal of Earth System Science: Published by the Indian Academy of Sciences, Vol. 133 (2024-06-01), Issue 2Online Academic JournalAccess:
In: Journal of Geodesy: Continuation of Bulletin Géodésique and manuscripta geodaetica, Vol. 98 (2024-10-01), Issue 10Online Academic JournalAccess:
In: 2023 XXXVth General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI GASS), 2023-08-19, P. 1-3Online ConferenceAccess:
In: 2023 3rd International Conference on Frontiers of Electronics, Information and Computation Technologies (ICFEICT), 2023-05-01, P. 283-287Online ConferenceAccess:
In: Journal of Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 79 (2024-04-01), Issue 4, P. 456-463Online Academic JournalAccess:
2024Serial PeriodicalAccess:
In: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Vol. 16 (2023), P. 8310-8318Online Academic JournalAccess:
In: Journal of Geodesy: Continuation of Bulletin Géodésique and manuscripta geodaetica, Vol. 97 (2023-10-01), Issue 10Online Academic JournalAccess:
In: GPS Solutions: The Journal of Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Vol. 28 (2024-07-01), Issue 3Online Academic JournalAccess:
In: Journal of Applied Geodesy, Vol. 17 (2023-10-26), Issue 4, P. 397-406Academic JournalAccess:
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For licensing reasons this title can be displayed in the campus network only or after Login!Academic JournalAccess:
In: Journal of Geodesy: Continuation of Bulletin Géodésique and manuscripta geodaetica, Vol. 98 (2024-06-01), Issue 6Online Academic JournalAccess:
In: GPS Solutions: The Journal of Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Vol. 28 (2024-04-01), Issue 2Online Academic JournalAccess:
For licensing reasons this title can be displayed in the campus network only or after Login!Academic JournalAccess:
In: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 60 (2022), P. 1-13Online Academic JournalAccess: