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- machine learning 285 Hits
- ibk 171 Hits
- engineering & allied operations 170 Hits
- info:eu-repo/classification/ddc/620 170 Hits
- cattle diseases 148 Hits
45 additional values:
- industrial bank of korea (company) 148 Hits
- keratoconjunctivitis 148 Hits
- moraxella bovis 148 Hits
- data mining 133 Hits
- classification 131 Hits
- taxonomy 131 Hits
- plantae 122 Hits
- tracheophyta 122 Hits
- biodiversity 121 Hits
- tragverhalten 121 Hits
- reinforced concrete 113 Hits
- moraxella 112 Hits
- infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis 102 Hits
- computing and processing 99 Hits
- magnoliopsida 92 Hits
- stahlbeton 89 Hits
- load-bearing behaviour 88 Hits
- communication, networking and broadcast technologies 81 Hits
- keratoconjunctivitis, infectious 81 Hits
- classification algorithms 71 Hits
- design 71 Hits
- berechnung 70 Hits
- test 70 Hits
- cattle 69 Hits
- signal processing and analysis 68 Hits
- industrial floor 67 Hits
- weka 67 Hits
- calculation 66 Hits
- industriefussboden 65 Hits
- structural design 64 Hits
- feature selection 61 Hits
- robotics and control systems 61 Hits
- versuch 56 Hits
- eigenschaft 52 Hits
- property 52 Hits
- artificial intelligence 50 Hits
- bonds (finance) 50 Hits
- naive bayes 50 Hits
- banking industry 49 Hits
- bemessung 49 Hits
- moraxellaceae infections 49 Hits
- components, circuits, devices and systems 48 Hits
- kunststoff 47 Hits
- veterinary medicine 47 Hits
- concrete 46 Hits
- eth zurich, institut fur baustatik und konstruktion -ibk 245 Hits
- hal ccsd 240 Hits
- wti-frankfurt-digital gmbh 183 Hits
- euromoney trading limited / gulf publishing company 160 Hits
- elsevier b.v. 141 Hits
45 additional values:
- ieee 133 Hits
- elsevier ltd 113 Hits
- ibk 113 Hits
- elsevier 100 Hits
- nat. forschungs- u. gedenkstatten 99 Hits
- saur 99 Hits
- stiftung 99 Hits
- wiley-blackwell 96 Hits
- wiley 89 Hits
- springer international publishing 82 Hits
- springer nature 81 Hits
- mdpi 69 Hits
- mdpi ag 66 Hits
- biomed central 51 Hits
- escholarship, university of california 37 Hits
- american veterinary medical association 32 Hits
- institute of electrical and electronics engineers inc. 30 Hits
- springer 28 Hits
- springer berlin heidelberg 26 Hits
- de gruyter 19 Hits
- hindawi limited 19 Hits
- springer netherlands 16 Hits
- springer-verlag 16 Hits
- veterinary world 14 Hits
- springer india 10 Hits
- springer us 10 Hits
- elsevier science 9 Hits
- sage publications inc. 9 Hits
- frontiers media s.a. 8 Hits
- society for neuroscience 8 Hits
- gale, cengage learning 7 Hits
- editions l'harmattan 4 Hits
- ibk securities co., ltd. 4 Hits
- dow jones & company inc 3 Hits
- associated newspapers ltd 2 Hits
- groupe le monde 2 Hits
- presses de sciences po 2 Hits
- sciendo 2 Hits
- alternatives economiques 1 Hit
- cranfield university 1 Hit
- missouri botanical garden 1 Hit
- society of ethnobiology 1 Hit
- sz 1 Hit
- university of edinburgh 1 Hit
- university of glasgow 1 Hit
- euroweek 96 Hits
- engineering structures 72 Hits
- bautechnik 52 Hits
- veterinary microbiology 31 Hits
- american journal of veterinary research 25 Hits
45 additional values:
- structural concrete 24 Hits
- das bauzentrum 16 Hits
- journal of animal science 16 Hits
- plos one 16 Hits
- australian veterinary journal 14 Hits
- veterinary clinics of north america food animal practice 14 Hits
- veterinary world 14 Hits
- journal of physiology 13 Hits
- animal microbiome 10 Hits
- journal of veterinary internal medicine 10 Hits
- immunogenetics 9 Hits
- ukrainian botanical journal 8 Hits
- veterinary research 8 Hits
- biotechnology for biofuels 7 Hits
- vaccine 7 Hits
- bmc microbiology 6 Hits
- bmc research notes 6 Hits
- journal of cheminformatics 6 Hits
- journal of medical systems 6 Hits
- scientific reports 6 Hits
- amino acids 5 Hits
- bmc veterinary research 5 Hits
- der nervenarzt 5 Hits
- materials and structures 5 Hits
- archives of biological sciences 4 Hits
- environmental modelling & software 4 Hits
- european journal of neuroscience 4 Hits
- genetics and molecular biology 4 Hits
- journal of chemistry 4 Hits
- patient education and counseling 4 Hits
- cognitive computation 3 Hits
- journal of computational neuroscience 3 Hits
- journal of rational-emotive & cognitive-behavior therapy 3 Hits
- soziale arbeit 3 Hits
- veterinary clinics of north america - food animal practice 3 Hits
- zeitschrift fur kinder- und jugendpsychiatrie und psychotherapie 3 Hits
- alternatives internationales 2 Hits
- autrepart 2 Hits
- empirische erforschung internetbasierter kommunikation 2 Hits
- journal of ethnobiology 2 Hits
- journal of medical microbiology 2 Hits
- translational animal science 2 Hits
- veterinary research communications: an international journal publishing topical reviews and research articles on all aspects of the veterinary sciences 2 Hits
- wires: data mining & knowledge discovery 2 Hits
- zeitschrift fur naturforschung a 2 Hits
- english 3,310 Hits
- german 1,252 Hits
- unknown 303 Hits
- french 102 Hits
- undetermined 70 Hits
29 additional values:
- turkish 68 Hits
- indonesian 38 Hits
- portuguese 37 Hits
- spanish; castilian 29 Hits
- ukrainian 26 Hits
- chinese 12 Hits
- arabic 8 Hits
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- dutch; flemish 3 Hits
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- spanish 2 Hits
- thai 2 Hits
- 130703nuuuuuuuuxx p 0 c 1 Hit
- 130703nuuuuuuuuxx z| | 0 |0und c 1 Hit
- bokm�l, norwegian; norwegian bokm�l 1 Hit
- catalan; valencian 1 Hit
- no linguistic content; not applicable 1 Hit
- turkish, ottoman (1500-1928) 1 Hit
Geographic Context
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- BASE 1,619 Hits
- RSWB®plus 664 Hits
- Scopus® 518 Hits
- Complementary Index 369 Hits
- Academic Search Index 339 Hits
44 additional values:
- MEDLINE 288 Hits
- wiso 266 Hits
- hbz-Verbundkatalog 252 Hits
- JSTOR Journals 165 Hits
- Bibliotheksverbund Bayern 155 Hits
- Springer Nature eBooks 151 Hits
- OAIster 149 Hits
- Business Source Ultimate 148 Hits
- Supplemental Index 134 Hits
- IEEE Xplore Digital Library 114 Hits
- Directory of Open Access Journals 112 Hits
- ScienceDirect 79 Hits
- Springer Nature Journals 79 Hits
- Unpaywall 72 Hits
- GBV Online Contents 61 Hits
- World Affairs Online WAO 49 Hits
- Regional Business News 36 Hits
- FIS Bildung Literaturdatenbank (German Education Index) 35 Hits
- APA PsycInfo 14 Hits
- eScholarship 13 Hits
- OpenDissertations 11 Hits
- USPTO Patent Applications 10 Hits
- Gale eBooks 10 Hits
- ACM Full-Text Collection 9 Hits
- GreenFILE 6 Hits
- eBook Index 5 Hits
- Statista 5 Hits
- arXiv 5 Hits
- PSYNDEX Literature with PSYNDEX Tests 5 Hits
- De Gruyter Online 4 Hits
- British Library EThOS 3 Hits
- BrillOnline Reference Works 2 Hits
- E-Periodica 2 Hits
- 2 Hits
- BioOne Complete 2 Hits
- Sciendo 2 Hits
- MLA International Bibliography 2 Hits
- Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection 1 Hit
- SZ LibraryNet 1 Hit
- dblp computer science bibliography 1 Hit
- BDSL (Bibliographie der Deutschen Sprach-und Literaturwissenschaft) 1 Hit
- SveMed+ 1 Hit
- Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts 1 Hit
- Biodiversity Heritage Library 1 Hit
5,973 Hits
In: 2022 10th RSI International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (ICRoM), 2022-11-15, P. 102-109Online ConferenceAccess:
In: Journal of Building Engineering, Vol. 98 (2024-12-01)Online Academic JournalAccess:
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In: 2024 15th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), 2024-06-24, P. 1-7Online ConferenceAccess:
In: American Association of Bovine Practitioners Conference Proceedings, 2024-05-10Online Serial PeriodicalAccess:
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In: Рослинництво та ґрунтознавство, Vol. 12 (2021-08-01), Issue 3, P. 85-99Online Academic JournalAccess:
In: IBK Jahresbericht, SP-024, 2023Online ReportAccess:
In: Pizhūhish dar Bihdāsht-i Muḥīṭ., Vol. 5 (2020), Issue 4, P. 315-329Online Academic JournalAccess:
In: Deutsch in Sozialen Medien; (2020-02-24)Online BookAccess:
2019Online Electronic Resource
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For licensing reasons this title can be displayed in the campus network only or after Login!Serial PeriodicalAccess:
In: International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, Vol. 15 (2024-12-01), Issue 12, P. 5637-5652Online Academic JournalAccess:
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For licensing reasons this title can be displayed in the campus network only or after Login!Academic JournalAccess:
In: JURNAL MEDIA INFORMATIKA BUDIDARMA; Vol 5, No 3 (2021): Juli 2021; 1038-1044 ; 2548-8368 ; 2614-5278 ; 10.30865/mib.v5i3, 2021Academic JournalAccess: