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- astrophysics - high energy astrophysical phenomena 165 Hits
- supernovae: general 162 Hits
- astrophysics - solar and stellar astrophysics 156 Hits
- supernovae 128 Hits
- sip 77 Hits
45 additional values:
- white dwarf stars 73 Hits
- voip 71 Hits
- iax 68 Hits
- asterisk 50 Hits
- type i supernovae 47 Hits
- astrophysics 40 Hits
- astrophysics - astrophysics of galaxies 39 Hits
- white dwarfs 36 Hits
- radiative transfer 34 Hits
- astronomy & astrophysics 29 Hits
- light curves 28 Hits
- supernova remnants 28 Hits
- protocols 24 Hits
- nucleosynthesis 22 Hits
- pbx 22 Hits
- binaries: close 20 Hits
- hydrodynamics 20 Hits
- methods: numerical 20 Hits
- servers 20 Hits
- astronomy 19 Hits
- qb460-466 19 Hits
- stellar evolution 19 Hits
- astrophysics - cosmology and nongalactic astrophysics 18 Hits
- type ia supernovae 18 Hits
- astronomy and astrophysics 17 Hits
- bandwidth 17 Hits
- space and planetary science 17 Hits
- stars: evolution 16 Hits
- techniques: photometric 16 Hits
- 天文学 16 Hits
- 理学 16 Hits
- 理学::天文学 16 Hits
- b stars 15 Hits
- computing and processing 15 Hits
- high energy astrophysical phenomena 15 Hits
- internet telephony 15 Hits
- solar and stellar astrophysics 15 Hits
- 天文学::恒星与银河系 15 Hits
- [phys.astr]physics [physics]/astrophysics [astro-ph] 14 Hits
- communication, networking and broadcast technologies 14 Hits
- luminosity 14 Hits
- qb astronomy 14 Hits
- helium 13 Hits
- rtp 13 Hits
- supergiant stars 13 Hits
- iop publishing 71 Hits
- oxford university press / usa 66 Hits
- oxford university press (oup) 62 Hits
- vysoke uceni technicke v brne. fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikacnich technologii 53 Hits
- edp sciences 44 Hits
45 additional values:
- american astronomical society 38 Hits
- oxford university press 38 Hits
- elsevier b.v. 33 Hits
- ieee 29 Hits
- wiley 29 Hits
- wiley-blackwell 26 Hits
- hal ccsd 21 Hits
- iop publishing ltd 19 Hits
- john wiley & sons, ltd 18 Hits
- springer nature 16 Hits
- vysoka skola banska - technicka univerzita ostrava 11 Hits
- wti-frankfurt-digital gmbh 11 Hits
- elsevier ltd 10 Hits
- institute of physics 10 Hits
- cambridge university press 8 Hits
- euromoney trading limited / gulf publishing company 8 Hits
- springer international publishing 8 Hits
- elsevier science 7 Hits
- escholarship, university of california 7 Hits
- gale, cengage learning 7 Hits
- universidad distrital francisco jose de caldas 7 Hits
- springer berlin heidelberg 6 Hits
- wall street transcript corp. 6 Hits
- american association for the advancement of science 5 Hits
- springer netherlands 5 Hits
- nature publishing group 4 Hits
- elsevier science publishers 3 Hits
- idg communications, inc. 3 Hits
- questex media group 3 Hits
- accord fintech pvt. ltd. 2 Hits
- american society of civil engineers 2 Hits
- annex publishing & printing inc. 2 Hits
- federacion colombiana de asociaciones de obstetricia y ginecologia 2 Hits
- leiden, koninklijke brill nv 2 Hits
- pleiades publishing 2 Hits
- springer-verlag 2 Hits
- de gruyter open 1 Hit
- newstex llc 1 Hit
- no starch press 1 Hit
- peirene press 1 Hit
- queen's university belfast 1 Hit
- technology marketing corporation 1 Hit
- the new york botanical garden press 1 Hit
- university of glasgow 1 Hit
- verlag der zeitschrift fur naturforschung 1 Hit
- monthly notices of the royal astronomical society 122 Hits
- astrophysical journal 58 Hits
- inter-asterisk exchange (iax) 39 Hits
- $2 38 Hits
- the astrophysical journal 27 Hits
45 additional values:
- inter-asterisk exchange (iax): deployment scenarios in sip-enabled networks 22 Hits
- international journal of pharmaceutics 19 Hits
- astronomy & astrophysics / astronomie et astrophysique 18 Hits
- nature 15 Hits
- astronomy and astrophysics 13 Hits
- astronomy & astrophysics 12 Hits
- astrophysical journal letters 11 Hits
- publications of the astronomical society of japan 10 Hits
- addictive behaviors 9 Hits
- high performance polymers 9 Hits
- astronomy & astrophysics <les ulis> 7 Hits
- business wire (english) 7 Hits
- acronyms, initialisms & abbreviations dictionary 6 Hits
- capacity magazine 6 Hits
- wall street transcript 6 Hits
- handbook of supernovae 5 Hits
- america's network 4 Hits
- renaissance quarterly 4 Hits
- science 4 Hits
- tecnura 4 Hits
- the astrophysical journal letters 4 Hits
- comparative biochemistry and physiology c comparative pharmacology and toxicology 3 Hits
- corr 3 Hits
- electronics letters 3 Hits
- ibm systems journal 3 Hits
- journal of applied and industrial mathematics 3 Hits
- journal of lightwave technology 3 Hits
- osd002 3 Hits
- parasitology today personal ed 3 Hits
- rfc 3 Hits
- 3 Hits
- computerwoche 2 Hits
- european food research and technology 2 Hits
- hodge cycles, motives, and shimura varieties 2 Hits
- journal of the iranian chemical society 2 Hits
- open astronomy 2 Hits
- semiconductors: data handbook 2 Hits
- astronomy letters: a journal of astronomy and space astrophysics 1 Hit
- astrophysics and space science: an international journal of astronomy, astrophysics and space science 1 Hit
- economic botany 1 Hit
- encyclopedia of hebrew language and linguistics 1 Hit
- nature: international weekly journal of science 1 Hit
- proceedings of the 13th international conference on information integration and web-based applications and services 1 Hit
- supplementum epigraphicum graecum 1 Hit
- zeitschrift fur naturforschung b 1 Hit
- english 835 Hits
- unknown 170 Hits
- spanish; castilian 40 Hits
- czech 23 Hits
- undetermined 16 Hits
- 15 additional values:
Geographic Context
Content Provider
- BASE 598 Hits
- OAIster 313 Hits
- Complementary Index 143 Hits
- arXiv 114 Hits
- Unpaywall 105 Hits
32 additional values:
- Scopus® 98 Hits
- Academic Search Index 89 Hits
- IEEE Xplore Digital Library 41 Hits
- ScienceDirect 38 Hits
- GBV Online Contents 34 Hits
- MEDLINE 21 Hits
- Business Source Ultimate 19 Hits
- Supplemental Index 17 Hits
- Directory of Open Access Journals 14 Hits
- wiso 14 Hits
- Springer Nature eBooks 12 Hits
- Regional Business News 11 Hits
- Gale eBooks 9 Hits
- NASA Technical Reports 9 Hits
- dblp computer science bibliography 8 Hits
- Bibliotheksverbund Bayern 6 Hits
- Springer Nature Journals 6 Hits
- OpenDissertations 4 Hits
- Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection 4 Hits
- eScholarship 3 Hits
- eBook Index 3 Hits
- British Library EThOS 2 Hits
- JSTOR Journals 2 Hits
- APA PsycInfo 2 Hits
- De Gruyter Online 2 Hits
- BrillOnline Reference Works 2 Hits
- USPTO Patent Applications 2 Hits
- MLA International Bibliography 1 Hit
- HathiTrust 1 Hit
- ACM Full-Text Collection 1 Hit
- BioOne Complete 1 Hit
- hbz-Verbundkatalog 1 Hit
1,750 Hits
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