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- computer programming and software 14 Hits
- computer architecture 12 Hits
- microprocessors 12 Hits
- test and evaluation 12 Hits
- ada programming language 11 Hits
45 additional values:
- compilers 11 Hits
- mikroprozessor 11 Hits
- validation 11 Hits
- i apx 286 8 Hits
- identification 8 Hits
- length 8 Hits
- standardization 8 Hits
- programmierung 7 Hits
- engineering 6 Hits
- microprocesseur 6 Hits
- numbers 6 Hits
- value 6 Hits
- ada 5 Hits
- computer hardware 5 Hits
- iapx 432 5 Hits
- operating systems (computers) 5 Hits
- architecture ordinateur 4 Hits
- computerarchitektur 4 Hits
- high level languages 4 Hits
- iapx 4 Hits
- system design 4 Hits
- archi 3 Hits
- computer programming 3 Hits
- computer science 3 Hits
- intel 286 (computer) 3 Hits
- microcomputers 3 Hits
- settore ing-inf/05 - sistemi di elaborazione delle informazioni 3 Hits
- 68000 2 Hits
- ada (computer program language) 2 Hits
- ada (langage de programmation) 2 Hits
- architecture des ordinateurs 2 Hits
- architecture microprocesseur 2 Hits
- betriebssystem 2 Hits
- chill 2 Hits
- computer and systems architecture 2 Hits
- computer programs 2 Hits
- computers 2 Hits
- computing and processing 2 Hits
- conception microprocesseur 2 Hits
- conception systeme 2 Hits
- concurrency 2 Hits
- datenverarbeitung 2 Hits
- digital filters (mathematics) 2 Hits
- electrical and computer engineering 2 Hits
- electronic data processing 2 Hits
- association for computing machinery (acm) 11 Hits
- wti-frankfurt-digital gmbh 10 Hits
- acm press 8 Hits
- association for computing machinery 8 Hits
- elsevier bv 8 Hits
42 additional values:
- intel corporation 7 Hits
- idg tech media gmbh 6 Hits
- acm 5 Hits
- ifac - international federation of automatic control 5 Hits
- intel corp. 5 Hits
- elsevier b.v. 4 Hits
- e-publications@marquette 4 Hits
- springer berlin heidelberg 4 Hits
- [davis, calif.] 3 Hits
- association for computing machinery, inc 3 Hits
- electron conv inc 3 Hits
- electronic 2000 [in komm.] 3 Hits
- elsevier 3 Hits
- ieee 3 Hits
- university of calgary 3 Hits
- electronic conventions inc, usa. 2 Hits
- hofacker 2 Hits
- ieee comput. soc. press 2 Hits
- institution of engineering and technology (iet) 2 Hits
- intel 2 Hits
- iop publishing 2 Hits
- science 2 Hits
- afips press 1 Hit
- associazione italiana per l'informatica ed il calcolo automatico 1 Hit
- defence scientific information & documentation centre (desidoc), drdo 1 Hit
- digital press 1 Hit
- electron conv, inc 1 Hit
- elsevier ltd 1 Hit
- fen bilimleri enstitusu 1 Hit
- 1 Hit
- iop publishing ltd 1 Hit
- leiden, koninklijke brill nv 1 Hit
- markt-&-technik-verl. 1 Hit
- nasa center for aerospace information (casi) 1 Hit
- reston pub. co. 1 Hit
- sage publications 1 Hit
- sage publications inc. 1 Hit
- scientific american 1 Hit
- special collections and college archives, gettysburg college 1 Hit
- stars 1 Hit
- the corporation 1 Hit
- university of central florida 1 Hit
- dtic and ntis 16 Hits
- computerwoche 6 Hits
- microprocessors and microsystems 6 Hits
- software & microsystems 4 Hits
- wescon conference record 4 Hits
45 additional values:
- acm sigarch computer architecture news 3 Hits
- microprocessing and microprogramming 3 Hits
- acm sigmicro newsletter - real microprogrammers do it horizontally and vertically 2 Hits
- acm sigsmall newsletter 2 Hits
- afips joint computer conferences 2 Hits
- afips national computer conference 2 Hits
- capability-based computer systems 2 Hits
- educational and psychological measurement 2 Hits
- icassct, international conference on advances in smart sensor, signal processing and communication technology, 1 2 Hits
- ieee spectrum, spectrum, ieee, ieee spectr. 2 Hits
- journal of physics: conference series 2 Hits
- ntz. nachrichtentechnische zeitschrift 2 Hits
- proceedings of the 20th annual southeast regional conference 2 Hits
- proceedings of the 20th annual southeast regional conference on - acm-se 20 2 Hits
- proceedings of the eighth acm symposium on operating systems principles 2 Hits
- proceedings of the june 7-10, 1982, national computer conference 2 Hits
- proceedings of the june 7-10, 1982, national computer conference on - afips '82 2 Hits
- proceedings of the may 16-19, 1983, national computer conference 2 Hits
- proceedings of the may 16-19, 1983, national computer conference on - afips '83 2 Hits
- softw. microsystems 2 Hits
- [1988] proceedings of the twenty-first annual hawaii international conference on system sciences. volume iii: decision support and knowledge based systems track, system sciences, 1988. vol.iii. decision support and knowledge based systems track, proceedings of the twenty-first annual hawaii international conference on 1 Hit
- [1989] proceedings. euromicro workshop on real time, real time, 1989. proceedings., euromicro workshop on 1 Hit
- acm sigmicro newsletter 1 Hit
- acm southeast regional conference 1 Hit
- afips conference proceedings 1 Hit
- afips conference proceedings - 1982 national computer conference, afips 1982 1 Hit
- architektur und betrieb von rechensystemen : 8. gi-ntg-fachtagung karlsruhe, 26.-28. marz 1984 1 Hit
- arcs 1 Hit
- conference record - electro 1 Hit
- educational & psychological measurement 1 Hit
- eurocal 1 Hit
- icdcs 1 Hit
- ieee spectrum 1 Hit
- informatik-fachberichte 1 Hit
- investigation of redundant asynchronous microprocessors for high authority auto flight control 1 Hit
- proceedings of the 10th annual international symposium on computer architecture 1 Hit
- proceedings of the 1983 acm sigsmall symposium on personal and small computers 1 Hit
- proceedings of the 1983 acm sigsmall symposium on personal and small computers - sigsmall '83 1 Hit
- proceedings of the 1983 acm sigsmall symposium: personal & small computers 1 Hit
- robotics and artificial intelligence 1 Hit
- scientific american 1 Hit
- sigarch comput. archit. news 1 Hit
- sigsmall 1 Hit
- sigsmall/pc: symposium on small systems 1 Hit
- supplementum epigraphicum graecum 1 Hit
- english 130 Hits
- undetermined 13 Hits
- unknown 13 Hits
- german 10 Hits
- french 2 Hits
- 2 additional values:
Geographic Context
Content Provider
- BASE 56 Hits
- Bibliotheksverbund Bayern 35 Hits
- Scopus® 22 Hits
- hbz-Verbundkatalog 21 Hits
- OAIster 20 Hits
15 additional values:
- Unpaywall 16 Hits
- wiso 16 Hits
- ACM Full-Text Collection 11 Hits
- Complementary Index 10 Hits
- HathiTrust 10 Hits
- dblp computer science bibliography 10 Hits
- ScienceDirect 5 Hits
- IEEE Xplore Digital Library 4 Hits
- Springer Nature eBooks 2 Hits
- OpenDissertations 2 Hits
- Supplemental Index 2 Hits
- BrillOnline Reference Works 1 Hit
- eBook Index 1 Hit
- NASA Technical Reports 1 Hit
- ERIC 1 Hit
246 Hits
For licensing reasons this title can be displayed in the campus network only or after Login!ReferenceAccess:
In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021-05-01Online Serial PeriodicalAccess:
In: Proceedings of the 20th annual Southeast regional conference, 1982-04-01, P. 160-167Online ConferenceAccess:
For licensing reasons this title can be displayed in the campus network only or after Login!Academic JournalAccess:
In: Proceedings of the June 7-10, 1982, national computer conference, 1982-06-07, P. 59-65Online ConferenceAccess:
In: Proceedings of the 1983 ACM SIGSMALL symposium on Personal and small computers, 1983-12-07, P. 54-60Online ConferenceAccess:
In: Proceedings of the May 16-19, 1983, national computer conference, 1983-05-16, P. 531-537Online ConferenceAccess:
In: AFIPS National Computer Conference, 1983, P. 531-537ConferenceAccess:
In: AFIPS National Computer Conference, 1982, P. 59-65ConferenceAccess:
In: ARCS, 1984, P. 73-87ConferenceAccess:
In: ACM Southeast Regional Conference, 1982, P. 160-167ConferenceAccess: