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- united states. federal housing administration 5,642 Hits
- fha mortgages 2,519 Hits
- mortgage loans 2,246 Hits
- united states. dept. of housing & urban development 1,670 Hits
- mortgages 1,495 Hits
45 additional values:
- housing 1,320 Hits
- loans 756 Hits
- mortgage guarantee insurance 751 Hits
- finance 630 Hits
- fha 624 Hits
- bordetella pertussis 604 Hits
- government policy 531 Hits
- united states 498 Hits
- housing finance 473 Hits
- reverse mortgage loans 455 Hits
- fannie mae 435 Hits
- housing policy 433 Hits
- moneylenders 430 Hits
- mortgage loan servicing 426 Hits
- foreclosure 425 Hits
- whooping cough 389 Hits
- freddie mac (company) 379 Hits
- home ownership 360 Hits
- north america 353 Hits
- insurance premiums 346 Hits
- mortgage banks 332 Hits
- legislative bills 329 Hits
- professional services 323 Hits
- housing laws 312 Hits
- construction & property 296 Hits
- mortgage refinancing 280 Hits
- housing market 270 Hits
- residential building & real estate 267 Hits
- amenorrhea 257 Hits
- federal housing administration 249 Hits
- power, energy and industry applications 242 Hits
- business 240 Hits
- actions & defenses (law) 235 Hits
- mortgage bankers association of america 233 Hits
- insurance 231 Hits
- interest rates 229 Hits
- education 228 Hits
- banking 225 Hits
- dna damage 224 Hits
- house buying 208 Hits
- pertussis 204 Hits
- government guaranty of loans 202 Hits
- virulence factors, bordetella 200 Hits
- banking industry 196 Hits
- homeowners 194 Hits
- arizent 6,104 Hits
- dow jones & company inc 579 Hits
- elsevier b.v. 532 Hits
- wiley-blackwell 448 Hits
- delaware public archives 404 Hits
45 additional values:
- ieee 346 Hits
- springer nature 340 Hits
- elsevier 301 Hits
- wiley 300 Hits
- american society for microbiology 244 Hits
- elsevier bv 232 Hits
- the pantagraph 228 Hits
- oxford university press 217 Hits
- elsevier science 179 Hits
- taylor & francis ltd 170 Hits
- mdpi ag 153 Hits
- mdpi 146 Hits
- oxford university press / usa 132 Hits
- public library of science 121 Hits
- sage publications inc. 121 Hits
- escholarship, university of california 109 Hits
- springer 85 Hits
- academic press inc. 83 Hits
- taylor & francis 83 Hits
- american bar association 81 Hits
- biomed central 78 Hits
- cell press 76 Hits
- frontiers media s.a. 76 Hits
- public library of science (plos) 71 Hits
- american chemical society 62 Hits
- national academy of sciences 61 Hits
- springer international publishing 58 Hits
- springer us 56 Hits
- sage publications 53 Hits
- springer-verlag 53 Hits
- hindawi limited 40 Hits
- elsevier ltd 36 Hits
- lippincott williams & wilkins 28 Hits
- cambridge university press 26 Hits
- american association for the advancement of science 24 Hits
- elsevier inc. 24 Hits
- american academy of pediatrics 18 Hits
- routledge 15 Hits
- university of pennsylvania press 15 Hits
- de gruyter 11 Hits
- tnr ii, llc 11 Hits
- sciendo 4 Hits
- steiner 3 Hits
- hogrefe & huber publishers 2 Hits
- hogrefe publishing 2 Hits
- national mortgage news 1,836 Hits
- american banker 1,594 Hits
- wall street journal - eastern edition 339 Hits
- vaccine 234 Hits
- infection and immunity 147 Hits
45 additional values:
- wall street journal (online) 136 Hits
- journal of biological chemistry 100 Hits
- wall street journal - online edition 96 Hits
- molecular microbiology 95 Hits
- plos one 83 Hits
- proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the united states of america 70 Hits
- housing policy debate 66 Hits
- ieee transactions on power electronics 49 Hits
- molecular cell 46 Hits
- dna repair 45 Hits
- journal of housing economics 45 Hits
- febs letters 44 Hits
- modern healthcare 40 Hits
- real estate economics 38 Hits
- journal of molecular biology 37 Hits
- the journal of real estate finance and economics 37 Hits
- embo journal 36 Hits
- oncogene 35 Hits
- biochemistry 32 Hits
- fems microbiology letters 32 Hits
- gynecological endocrinology 31 Hits
- journal of bacteriology 31 Hits
- plos genetics 31 Hits
- biologicals 30 Hits
- frontiers in endocrinology 27 Hits
- scientific reports 26 Hits
- microbial pathogenesis 25 Hits
- journal of real estate research 24 Hits
- harvard civil rights-civil liberties law review 23 Hits
- science signaling 23 Hits
- nucleic acids research 22 Hits
- journal of urban economics 20 Hits
- nature 20 Hits
- pediatrics 18 Hits
- key engineering materials 16 Hits
- fordham urban law journal 15 Hits
- journal of cell science 15 Hits
- procedia engineering 15 Hits
- embo reports 13 Hits
- european journal of pediatrics 13 Hits
- harvard law review 11 Hits
- materials science forum 11 Hits
- kerntechnik 7 Hits
- brookings-wharton papers on urban affairs 6 Hits
- journal of individual differences 3 Hits
- english 21,323 Hits
- unknown 1,621 Hits
- german 364 Hits
- spanish; castilian 297 Hits
- undetermined 169 Hits
38 additional values:
- norwegian 102 Hits
- french 74 Hits
- chinese 62 Hits
- portuguese 56 Hits
- turkish 45 Hits
- russian 33 Hits
- italian 30 Hits
- japanese 16 Hits
- czech 11 Hits
- ukrainian 11 Hits
- spanish 10 Hits
- polish 9 Hits
- persian 7 Hits
- indonesian 6 Hits
- dutch; flemish 5 Hits
- afrikaans 4 Hits
- arabic 4 Hits
- finnish 4 Hits
- korean 4 Hits
- thai 3 Hits
- bulgarian 2 Hits
- catalan; valencian 2 Hits
- galician 2 Hits
- greek, modern (1453-) 2 Hits
- multiple languages 2 Hits
- nauru 2 Hits
- romanian; moldavian; moldovan 2 Hits
- swedish 2 Hits
- albanian 1 Hit
- bokm�l, norwegian; norwegian bokm�l 1 Hit
- english, old (ca.450-1100) 1 Hit
- esperanto 1 Hit
- hungarian 1 Hit
- irish 1 Hit
- latvian 1 Hit
- malay 1 Hit
- serbian 1 Hit
- vietnamese 1 Hit
Geographic Context
Content Provider
- BASE 5,520 Hits
- Complementary Index 5,380 Hits
- Business Source Ultimate 4,812 Hits
- MEDLINE 1,898 Hits
- Regional Business News 1,796 Hits
59 additional values:
- Academic Search Index 1,733 Hits
- Supplemental Index 1,391 Hits
- OAIster 1,148 Hits
- Scopus® 684 Hits
- wiso 564 Hits
- HathiTrust 551 Hits
- Unpaywall 496 Hits
- Directory of Open Access Journals 281 Hits
- IEEE Xplore Digital Library 277 Hits
- GBV Online Contents 266 Hits
- Springer Nature Journals 260 Hits
- Nexis Uni: Law Reviews 181 Hits
- SZ LibraryNet 162 Hits
- JSTOR Journals 160 Hits
- ERIC 128 Hits
- Springer Nature eBooks 90 Hits
- Gale eBooks 88 Hits
- OpenDissertations 88 Hits
- APA PsycInfo 69 Hits
- Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts 61 Hits
- ScienceDirect 57 Hits
- eScholarship 38 Hits
- USPTO Patent Applications 37 Hits
- British Library EThOS 34 Hits
- hbz-Verbundkatalog 31 Hits
- Bibliotheksverbund Bayern 30 Hits
- Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection 29 Hits
- FIS Bildung Literaturdatenbank (German Education Index) 26 Hits
- Research Starters 23 Hits
- RSWB®plus 22 Hits
- De Gruyter Online 19 Hits
- GreenFILE 19 Hits
- eBook Index 18 Hits
- ProjectMUSE 18 Hits
- dblp computer science bibliography 11 Hits
- The Nation Archive (DFG) 9 Hits
- arXiv 9 Hits
- ACM Full-Text Collection 8 Hits
- PSYNDEX Literature with PSYNDEX Tests 8 Hits
- NASA Technical Reports 7 Hits
- World Affairs Online WAO 5 Hits
- Open Research Library 5 Hits
- Adam Matthew Digital 5 Hits
- BrillOnline Reference Works 4 Hits
- MLA International Bibliography 4 Hits
- Government Publishing Office Catalog 4 Hits
- Statista 3 Hits
- Alexander Street 3 Hits
- The New Republic Archive (DFG) 3 Hits
- Newswires 3 Hits
- BDSL (Bibliographie der Deutschen Sprach-und Literaturwissenschaft) 3 Hits
- American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection: Series 3 1 Hit
- Oxford Bibliographies 1 Hit
- Atla Religion Database 1 Hit
- APA PsycArticles 1 Hit
- Sciendo 1 Hit
- BioOne Complete 1 Hit
- SAGE Knowledge 1 Hit
- E-Periodica 1 Hit
28,587 Hits
In: 2022 International Power Electronics Conference (IPEC-Himeji 2022- ECCE Asia), 2022-05-15, P. 2226-2230Online ConferenceAccess:
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In: Plant Molecular Biology: An International Journal on Molecular Biology, Vol. 111 (2023-04-01), Issue 6, P. 455-472Online Academic JournalAccess:
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In: Cityscape, Vol. 24 (2022), Issue 3, P. 363Online Academic JournalAccess:
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In: Housing Finance International, Vol. 36 (2021-12-01), Issue 2, P. 45-48Online Academic JournalAccess:
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