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- archaeology 1,174 Hits
- arts and humanities 750 Hits
- scheme=abr-complex 243 Hits
- archeologisch: booronderzoek 200 Hits
- archeo 185 Hits
45 additional values:
- code=xxx 160 Hits
- value=onbekend 160 Hits
- geo 151 Hits
- onbekend (xxx) 121 Hits
- hist 118 Hits
- archeologisch: bureauonderzoek 109 Hits
- archeologisch: boring 75 Hits
- phil 74 Hits
- bureauonderzoek 72 Hits
- envir 63 Hits
- booronderzoek 62 Hits
- archeologie 61 Hits
- onbepaald 56 Hits
- betrieb (werkstatt) 55 Hits
- code=nx 51 Hits
- value=nederzetting 51 Hits
- fahrzeug 40 Hits
- archi 34 Hits
- american medical security group inc. 31 Hits
- nederzetting 29 Hits
- onbepaald (nx) 29 Hits
- zeitschrift 28 Hits
- nieuwe tijd: 1500 - heden (nt) 26 Hits
- archeologisch: non-destructief: boring 25 Hits
- periodicals 25 Hits
- resultaten van een archeologisch bureauonderzoek 25 Hits
- periodicals -- allgemeine musikalische zeitung 24 Hits
- reparatur 23 Hits
- resultaten en gegevens van een archeologisch vooronderzoek: een bureauonderzoek en inventariserend veldonderzoek (verkennend booronderzoek) 23 Hits
- prochlorococcus 20 Hits
- dienstleistung 19 Hits
- romantic music 19 Hits
- amitraz 18 Hits
- archeologisch: proefputten/proefsleuven 18 Hits
- toluidines 18 Hits
- aardewerk 17 Hits
- boring/booronderzoek ivo-o (abo) 17 Hits
- deutschland 16 Hits
- hersteller 16 Hits
- middeleeuwen: 450 - 1500 nc (xme) 16 Hits
- neolithicum: 5300 - 2000 vc (neo) 16 Hits
- osteotomy 16 Hits
- romeinse tijd: 12 vc - 450 nc (rom) 16 Hits
- archeologisch prospectief onderzoek 15 Hits
- archeologisch: begeleiding 15 Hits
- schlutersche fachmedien gmbh 3,877 Hits
- dans data station archaeology 750 Hits
- american chemical society 65 Hits
- royal society of chemistry 58 Hits
- oxford university press 47 Hits
45 additional values:
- elsevier 44 Hits
- elsevier b.v. 42 Hits
- wiley-vch 41 Hits
- escholarship, university of california 38 Hits
- springer nature 38 Hits
- mdpi 37 Hits
- interfax-america inc. 28 Hits
- wiley-blackwell 26 Hits
- wiley 23 Hits
- dow jones & company inc 21 Hits
- j.b. metzler 21 Hits
- elsevier inc. 15 Hits
- springer berlin heidelberg 15 Hits
- jane's information group 14 Hits
- national academy of sciences 14 Hits
- springer science and business media llc 13 Hits
- mdpi ag 12 Hits
- sage publications inc. 12 Hits
- leiden, koninklijke brill nv 11 Hits
- elsevier bv 10 Hits
- biomed central 9 Hits
- ieee 9 Hits
- springer international publishing 9 Hits
- elsevier ltd 8 Hits
- gale, cengage learning 8 Hits
- frontiers media s.a. 7 Hits
- university of warsaw 7 Hits
- academic press inc. 6 Hits
- arizent 6 Hits
- c.f. peters 6 Hits
- schlutersche 6 Hits
- schlutersche verl.-ges. 6 Hits
- elsevier science 5 Hits
- taylor & francis ltd 5 Hits
- akad. fur politik und zeitgeschehen 3 Hits
- entomological society of america 3 Hits
- institute of lithuanian studies, inc. 2 Hits
- music library association inc. 2 Hits
- "mintis," 1 Hit
- american antiquarian society 1 Hit
- lietuviu kataliku mokslo akademija 1 Hit
- loughborough university 1 Hit
- original writing 1 Hit
- u.m.i. 1 Hit
- university of wisconsin library 1 Hit
- amz - auto motor zubehor 3,455 Hits
- arzneimittel-zeitung : amz : die zeitung fur die pharmabranche 1,743 Hits
- amz - project behoud en onderzoek van archeologische waarden in het maasdal in het kader van de maaswerken projectbrede digitale data dvd-set zoals aanwezig in het archief van de racm 68 Hits
- pr newswire us 61 Hits
- oxford music online 26 Hits
45 additional values:
- russia & cis business & financial newswire 22 Hits
- wall street journal - eastern edition 21 Hits
- chemosphere 11 Hits
- ceramics international 9 Hits
- proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the united states of america 9 Hits
- archiv fur musikwissenschaft 8 Hits
- fertility and sterility 7 Hits
- jane's defence weekly 7 Hits
- american journal of sports medicine 6 Hits
- bmc musculoskeletal disorders 6 Hits
- climate dynamics 6 Hits
- international journal of applied ceramic technology 6 Hits
- international journal of climatology 6 Hits
- scientific data 6 Hits
- internetowy kwartalnik antymonopolowy i regulacyjny 5 Hits
- nature communications 5 Hits
- the isme journal 5 Hits
- cartilage 4 Hits
- environmental science & technology 4 Hits
- european journal of clinical pharmacology 4 Hits
- frontiers in microbiology 4 Hits
- japanese journal of pharmacology 4 Hits
- journal of field robotics 4 Hits
- journal of lightwave technology 4 Hits
- journal of medical entomology 4 Hits
- mauerwerk 4 Hits
- pesticide biochemistry & physiology 4 Hits
- science of the total environment 4 Hits
- archiv fur gewerbepathologie und gewerbehygiene 3 Hits
- bjog: an international journal of obstetrics & gynaecology 3 Hits
- contexto internacional 3 Hits
- experimental gerontology 3 Hits
- international archives of occupational and environmental health 3 Hits
- journal of environmental science & health. part a. toxic/hazardous substances & environmental engineering 3 Hits
- journal of materials science 3 Hits
- knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy 3 Hits
- notes 3 Hits
- optics express 3 Hits
- remote sensing 3 Hits
- semina: ciencias agrarias 3 Hits
- steel in translation 3 Hits
- the isme journal: multidisciplinary journal of microbial ecology 3 Hits
- toxics 3 Hits
- tropical animal health and production 3 Hits
- journal of the history of ideas 2 Hits
- undetermined 1,768 Hits
- dutch; flemish 1,669 Hits
- english 1,309 Hits
- german 587 Hits
- unknown 432 Hits
19 additional values:
- portuguese 51 Hits
- spanish; castilian 22 Hits
- lithuanian 21 Hits
- russian 20 Hits
- french 18 Hits
- italian 17 Hits
- croatian 9 Hits
- polish 9 Hits
- albanian 8 Hits
- chinese 6 Hits
- czech 6 Hits
- indonesian 5 Hits
- turkish 4 Hits
- hungarian 3 Hits
- bosnian 2 Hits
- hebrew 2 Hits
- latin 2 Hits
- latvian 1 Hit
- mandingo 1 Hit
Geographic Context
Content Provider
- wiso 4,391 Hits
- BASE 2,503 Hits
- GBV Online Contents 1,770 Hits
- MEDLINE 386 Hits
- Complementary Index 116 Hits
44 additional values:
- Academic Search Index 106 Hits
- Regional Business News 106 Hits
- OAIster 89 Hits
- Supplemental Index 73 Hits
- Bibliotheksverbund Bayern 53 Hits
- Scopus® 48 Hits
- hbz-Verbundkatalog 45 Hits
- RILM Abstracts of Music Literature 37 Hits
- Business Source Ultimate 32 Hits
- Springer Nature Journals 32 Hits
- Unpaywall 32 Hits
- Directory of Open Access Journals 28 Hits
- Grove Music Online 26 Hits
- Springer Nature eBooks 25 Hits
- ScienceDirect 16 Hits
- eScholarship 13 Hits
- GreenFILE 11 Hits
- BrillOnline Reference Works 11 Hits
- Gale eBooks 10 Hits
- JSTOR Journals 9 Hits
- USPTO Patent Applications 8 Hits
- HathiTrust 8 Hits
- MGG Online 7 Hits
- IEEE Xplore Digital Library 7 Hits
- OpenDissertations 4 Hits
- MLA International Bibliography 4 Hits
- arXiv 3 Hits
- dblp computer science bibliography 3 Hits
- BioOne Complete 2 Hits
- Research Starters 2 Hits
- World Affairs Online WAO 2 Hits
- FIS Bildung Literaturdatenbank (German Education Index) 2 Hits
- Manuscriptorium Digital Library 1 Hit
- Newswires 1 Hit
- NASA Technical Reports 1 Hit
- APA PsycInfo 1 Hit
- BDSL (Bibliographie der Deutschen Sprach-und Literaturwissenschaft) 1 Hit
- ChemSpider 1 Hit
- British Library EThOS 1 Hit
- BLLDB (Bibliography of Linguistic Lit/Bibliographie Linguistischer Lit) 1 Hit
- PSYNDEX Literature with PSYNDEX Tests 1 Hit
- eBook Index 1 Hit
- Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts 1 Hit
- American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection: Series 3 1 Hit
10,032 Hits
In: Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 41 (2023-02-01), Issue 3, P. 848-854Online Academic JournalAccess:
In: 2021 European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), 2021-09-13, P. 1-4Online ConferenceAccess:
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For licensing reasons this title can be displayed in the campus network only or after Login!Serial PeriodicalAccess:
For licensing reasons this title can be displayed in the campus network only or after Login!BookAccess:
For licensing reasons this title can be displayed in the campus network only or after Login!Serial PeriodicalAccess:
In: internetowy Kwartalnik Antymonopolowy i Regulacyjny, Vol. 12 (2023-02-01), Issue 1, P. 125-135Online Academic JournalAccess:
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In: J. Field Robotics, Vol. 37 (2020), Issue 7, P. 1267-1294Academic JournalAccess:
In: Die Neudeutsche Schule – Phänomen und Geschichte; (2020)Online BookAccess:
In: Die Neudeutsche Schule – Phänomen und Geschichte; (2020)Online BookAccess:
In: Die Neudeutsche Schule – Phänomen und Geschichte; (2020)Online BookAccess:
In: Die Neudeutsche Schule – Phänomen und Geschichte; (2020)Online BookAccess:
In: Die Neudeutsche Schule – Phänomen und Geschichte; (2020)Online BookAccess:
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For licensing reasons this title can be displayed in the campus network only or after Login!Academic JournalAccess:
For licensing reasons this title can be displayed in the campus network only or after Login!Serial PeriodicalAccess:
For licensing reasons this title can be displayed in the campus network only or after Login!Academic JournalAccess: