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- embryo transfer 18 Hits
- 01 coal 14 Hits
- and peat 14 Hits
- coal liquefaction 14 Hits
- lignite 14 Hits
45 additional values:
- progress report 13 Hits
- book 12 Hits
- caliph 12 Hits
- chemical reaction kinetics 12 Hits
- d approximately 600-661 12 Hits
- ghadii"r/ fasts and feasts -- islam/ e»alii" ibn abii" ti£ai"lib 12 Hits
- green innovation 12 Hits
- includes bibliographical references 12 Hits
- structural equation modeling 12 Hits
- fertilization in vitro 11 Hits
- sustainability 11 Hits
- absorption 10 Hits
- bryozoa 10 Hits
- environmental regulations 10 Hits
- literature review 10 Hits
- solvents 10 Hits
- tetralin 10 Hits
- bothrops 9 Hits
- dealkylation 9 Hits
- environmental management 9 Hits
- dynamic capabilities 8 Hits
- financial performance 8 Hits
- institutional environment 8 Hits
- sustainable development 8 Hits
- brazil 7 Hits
- hydrogenation 7 Hits
- pregnancy rate 7 Hits
- sustentabilidade 7 Hits
- biodiversity 6 Hits
- chemical reactions 6 Hits
- cocoa 6 Hits
- developed countries 6 Hits
- document types 6 Hits
- dynamic capability 6 Hits
- hydrogen transfer 6 Hits
- oocyte donation 6 Hits
- organic solvents 6 Hits
- reporting 6 Hits
- sustainable development goals (sdgs) 6 Hits
- sustainable supply chain 6 Hits
- bothrops jararacussu 5 Hits
- cerrado 5 Hits
- chemical modification 5 Hits
- corporate social responsibility 5 Hits
- kinetics 5 Hits
- elsevier bv 83 Hits
- elsevier b.v. 48 Hits
- elsevier inc. 37 Hits
- imr press 25 Hits
- ieee 9 Hits
45 additional values:
- marmara medical journal 9 Hits
- gale, cengage learning 8 Hits
- springer international publishing 8 Hits
- emerald 7 Hits
- wiley-blackwell 6 Hits
- berghahn books 5 Hits
- elsevier ltd 5 Hits
- springer nature 5 Hits
- wti-frankfurt-digital gmbh 5 Hits
- american college of chest physicians 4 Hits
- escholarship, university of california 4 Hits
- fucape business school 4 Hits
- human kinetics publishers, inc. 4 Hits
- institute of electrical and electronics engineers inc. 4 Hits
- zentralbibliothek der wirtschaftswissenschaften in der bundesrepublik deutschland 4 Hits
- associacao nacional de pos-graduacao e pesquisa em ambiente e sociedade (anppas) 3 Hits
- brazilian business review 3 Hits
- conselho nacional de pesquisa e pos-graduacao em direito - conpedi 3 Hits
- editora da universidade federal de uberlandia 3 Hits
- emerald publishing limited 3 Hits
- escola de musica da ufmg 3 Hits
- springer science and business media deutschland gmbh 3 Hits
- academia brasileira de neurologia (abneuro) 2 Hits
- allameh tabataba'i university press 2 Hits
- associacao brasileira de engenharia de producao (abepro) 2 Hits
- brazilian association of production engineering (abepro) 2 Hits
- college of physicians and surgeons pakistan 2 Hits
- elsevier 2 Hits
- instituto junguiano de sao paulo 2 Hits
- kluwer academic publishers 2 Hits
- qom university of medical sciences 2 Hits
- taylor & francis group 2 Hits
- universidade federal de mato grosso (ufmt) 2 Hits
- universidade federal de minas gerais 2 Hits
- american chemical society 1 Hit
- conhecimento livraria e distribuidora 1 Hit
- de gruyter 1 Hit
- editions l'harmattan 1 Hit
- editora dialetica 1 Hit
- georg thieme verlag stuttgart 1 Hit
- john wiley & sons 1 Hit
- nepam unicamp 1 Hit
- sociedade brasileira de pediatria 1 Hit
- springer berlin heidelberg 1 Hit
- springer us 1 Hit
- fertility and sterility 64 Hits
- fertility and sterility : official journal of the american society for reproductive medicine, society of reproductive endocrinologists, society of reproductive surgeons 37 Hits
- fertility & sterility 32 Hits
- clinical and experimental obstetrics & gynecology 25 Hits
- clinical and experimental obstetrics and gynecology 24 Hits
45 additional values:
- clinical and experimental obstetrics gynecology 24 Hits
- rare books and special collections library; the american university in cairo 12 Hits
- marmara medical journal 11 Hits
- chest 10 Hits
- journal of cleaner production 8 Hits
- brazilian journal of otorhinolaryngology 7 Hits
- acronyms, initialisms & abbreviations dictionary 6 Hits
- african journal of ecology 6 Hits
- ambiente & sociedade 5 Hits
- arquivos de neuro-psiquiatria 5 Hits
- biological journal of the linnean society 5 Hits
- business strategy series 5 Hits
- environmental management 5 Hits
- biochemical systematics and ecology 4 Hits
- brazilian journal of operations & production management 4 Hits
- business strategy and the environment 4 Hits
- dermatology online journal 4 Hits
- italian journal of animal science 4 Hits
- journal of experimental marine biology and ecology 4 Hits
- journal of molecular graphics and modelling 4 Hits
- journal of sport & exercise psychology 4 Hits
- per musi 4 Hits
- resources, conservation and recycling 4 Hits
- biomass conversion and biorefinery 3 Hits
- ieee transactions on broadcasting 3 Hits
- per musi: revista academica de musica 3 Hits
- planta medica 3 Hits
- public anthropology in a borderless world 3 Hits
- resources, conservation & recycling 3 Hits
- bbr: brazilian business review 2 Hits
- brazilian business review (portuguese edition) 2 Hits
- dermatology online journal vol 14, iss 7 2 Hits
- majallah-i danishgah-i ulum-i pizishki-i qum 2 Hits
- mutaliat-i mudiriyyat-i gardishgari 2 Hits
- sustainability accounting, management & policy journal 2 Hits
- 2023 ieee 10th international workshop on metrology for aerospace (metroaerospace), metrology for aerospace (metroaerospace), 2023 ieee 10th international workshop on 1 Hit
- 53rd ieee conference on decision and control, decision and control (cdc), 2014 ieee 53rd annual conference on 1 Hit
- biomass conversion and biorefinery: processing of biogenic material for energy and chemistry 1 Hit
- brazilian business review (english edition) 1 Hit
- cdc 1 Hit
- computers helping people with special needs : 18th international conference, icchp-aaate 2022, lecco, italy, july 11-15, 2022, proceedings, part ii 1 Hit
- em extensao 1 Hit
- environmental monitoring & assessment 1 Hit
- environmental monitoring and assessment: an international journal devoted to progress in the use of monitoring data in assessing environmental risks to man and the environment 1 Hit
- genetic resources and crop evolution: an international journal 1 Hit
Geographic Context
Content Provider
- BASE 239 Hits
- Unpaywall 105 Hits
- GBV Online Contents 76 Hits
- Scopus® 63 Hits
- Academic Search Index 53 Hits
22 additional values:
- ScienceDirect 43 Hits
- MEDLINE 34 Hits
- Complementary Index 25 Hits
- Directory of Open Access Journals 13 Hits
- OAIster 12 Hits
- Supplemental Index 10 Hits
- wiso 10 Hits
- Gale eBooks 8 Hits
- Business Source Ultimate 6 Hits
- HathiTrust 4 Hits
- Springer Nature Journals 4 Hits
- eBook Index 3 Hits
- GreenFILE 3 Hits
- IEEE Xplore Digital Library 3 Hits
- Springer Nature eBooks 3 Hits
- dblp computer science bibliography 2 Hits
- De Gruyter Online 2 Hits
- OpenDissertations 1 Hit
- Bibliotheksverbund Bayern 1 Hit
- eScholarship 1 Hit
- RILM Abstracts of Music Literature 1 Hit
- APA PsycInfo 1 Hit
726 Hits
In: Environmental Management, Vol. 74 (2024-11-01), Issue 5, P. 846-852Online Academic JournalAccess:
In: 2023 IEEE 10th International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace (MetroAeroSpace), 2023-06-19, P. 89-93Online ConferenceAccess:
In: Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure Development in Africa's Changing Climate : Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Infrastructure Development in Africa, Kumasi, Ghana, 19-22 November, 2023; (2024) S. 369-388Online E-BookAccess:
In: Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery: Processing of Biogenic Material for Energy and Chemistry, Vol. 14 (2024), Issue 1, P. 901-908Online Academic JournalAccess:
In: ECOS ANTIRRACISTAS: Experiências educativas na Amazônia paraense; (2024-02-16)Online BookAccess:
In: Revista REAMEC, Vol. 12 (2024-07-01)Online Academic JournalAccess:
In: ICCHP-AAATE (2), 2022, P. 387-394ConferenceAccess:
In: Handbook of Waste Biorefinery : Circular Economy of Renewable Energy; (2022) S. 201-283Online E-BookAccess:
2022Online E-BookAccess:
2023Online Academic JournalAccess:
In: O ensino de matemática na atualidade: percepções, contextos e desafios 5; (2022-12-21)Online BookAccess:
In: Residência Pediátrica, Vol. 13 (2023-06-01), Issue 2Online Academic JournalAccess:
In: 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2014-12-01, P. 759-764Online ConferenceAccess:
In: Revistaft, 27(127), 29, (2023-10-18, 2023Academic JournalAccess:
In: Revistaft, 27(127), 53, (2023-10-18, 2023Academic JournalAccess: