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- Books 125,381 Hits
- Academic Journals 106,340 Hits
- Magazines 40,797 Hits
- Electronic Resources 25,354 Hits
- Reports 19,443 Hits
14 additional values:
- Trade Publications 7,950 Hits
- News 7,178 Hits
- Reviews 6,266 Hits
- Conference Materials 4,312 Hits
- eBooks 4,206 Hits
- Non-Print Resources 2,870 Hits
- Dissertations 2,371 Hits
- Maps 1,158 Hits
- Music Scores 245 Hits
- Videos 175 Hits
- Audio 146 Hits
- Primary Source Documents 17 Hits
- Research Starters 5 Hits
- Biographies 4 Hits
- zeitschrift 20,894 Hits
- dziennik urzedowy 15,674 Hits
- statistik 11,429 Hits
- eu-staaten 7,997 Hits
- wroclaw 6,822 Hits
45 additional values:
- rejencja wroclawska 6,446 Hits
- amtliche bulletins 6,189 Hits
- ddc:050 5,597 Hits
- legnica 5,373 Hits
- rejencja legnicka 5,373 Hits
- rozporzadzenia urzedowe 4,560 Hits
- prusy wschodnie 4,532 Hits
- regulaminy 4,516 Hits
- obwieszczenia 4,515 Hits
- statuty 4,514 Hits
- krolewsko-pruska regencja w bydgoszczy 4,511 Hits
- dzienniki urzedowe 4,144 Hits
- gdansk - historia - czasopisma 4,144 Hits
- danzig - geschichte - zeitschriften 4,134 Hits
- prawo 19w. 3,919 Hits
- bydgoszcz 19w. 3,818 Hits
- rejencja opolska 3,669 Hits
- musiq 3,524 Hits
- czasopisma niemieckie - 19 w 3,107 Hits
- deutsche zeitschriften - xix jahrhundert 3,096 Hits
- wielkopolska 19w. 3,019 Hits
- ddc:310 2,422 Hits
- elblag - starostwo 2,056 Hits
- biuletyny urzedowe - 19 w 2,055 Hits
- elbing - landratsamt 2,055 Hits
- elblag i okolice - prasa niemiecka 2,055 Hits
- deutschland 2,019 Hits
- amtliche publikation 2,001 Hits
- czasopisma urzedowe 1,971 Hits
- amt 1,875 Hits
- alternative minimum tax 1,732 Hits
- (de-588)4142292-2 -- (de-627)104393386 -- (de-576)209717602 -- amt -- gnd 1,591 Hits
- hist 1,527 Hits
- ddc:090 1,457 Hits
- europaische union 1,316 Hits
- berufsbildung 1,227 Hits
- (de-588)4115611-0 -- (de-627)105812986 -- (de-576)209494697 -- prasident -- gnd 1,225 Hits
- bundesrepublik deutschland 1,211 Hits
- monografische reihe 1,198 Hits
- lubliniec 1,180 Hits
- article 1,177 Hits
- schweiz 1,077 Hits
- zeitung 1,059 Hits
- quelle 1,053 Hits
- amtliche druckschrift 1,045 Hits
- historisk samfund for ribe amt 12,546 Hits
- amt fur amtliche veroff. der europ. gemeinschaften 2,884 Hits
- amt 2,673 Hits
- de gruyter 2,391 Hits
- dfv mediengruppe 1,687 Hits
45 additional values:
- ieee 1,588 Hits
- springer nature 1,471 Hits
- elsevier b.v. 1,454 Hits
- springer berlin heidelberg 1,317 Hits
- amt fur amtliche veroffentlichungen der europaischen gemeinschaften 1,129 Hits
- wiley-blackwell 1,088 Hits
- elsevier 817 Hits
- wiley 810 Hits
- vs verlag fur sozialwissenschaften 788 Hits
- deu 685 Hits
- springer-verlag 620 Hits
- springer 527 Hits
- taylor & francis ltd 525 Hits
- amt fur veroff. der europ. union 446 Hits
- mdpi 410 Hits
- [s.n.] 398 Hits
- mdpi ag 398 Hits
- endeavor business media 383 Hits
- dow jones & company inc 373 Hits
- oxford university press 296 Hits
- elsevier ltd 293 Hits
- elsevier science 276 Hits
- berlin 269 Hits
- sage publications inc. 265 Hits
- oxford university press / usa 261 Hits
- vandenhoeck & ruprecht 245 Hits
- transcript verlag 240 Hits
- auswartiges amt 226 Hits
- springer verlag 226 Hits
- frontiers media s.a. 221 Hits
- american chemical society 216 Hits
- cambridge university press 164 Hits
- de gruyter oldenbourg 138 Hits
- nomos verlagsgesellschaft mbh & co. kg 128 Hits
- duncker & humblot 82 Hits
- bohlau verlag 79 Hits
- evangelische verlagsanstalt 62 Hits
- ios press 51 Hits
- amt der burgenlandischen landesregierung 46 Hits
- routledge 39 Hits
- american antiquarian society 36 Hits
- sciendo 19 Hits
- danske boghandleres kommissionsanstalt 10 Hits
- historisk samfund for ringkobing amt 4 Hits
- historisk samfund for sydostjylland 4 Hits
- ugeskrift for laeger 1,447 Hits
- bond buyer 376 Hits
- wall street journal - eastern edition 300 Hits
- amt events 288 Hits
- plos one 199 Hits
45 additional values:
- monatsschrift fur deutsches recht 174 Hits
- memory 118 Hits
- osterreichische wasser- und abfallwirtschaft 113 Hits
- scientific reports 94 Hits
- zeitschrift fur parlamentsfragen 90 Hits
- historische zeitschrift 86 Hits
- bundesgesundheitsblatt - gesundheitsforschung - gesundheitsschutz 73 Hits
- vierteljahrshefte fur zeitgeschichte 70 Hits
- experimental brain research 66 Hits
- british journal of clinical psychology 63 Hits
- proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the united states of america 62 Hits
- psychopharmacology 60 Hits
- dissertation abstracts international 57 Hits
- international journal of production research 57 Hits
- journal of applied geophysics 56 Hits
- the international journal of advanced manufacturing technology 56 Hits
- international journal of geriatric psychiatry 53 Hits
- science of the total environment 53 Hits
- frontiers in plant science 51 Hits
- evangelische theologie 50 Hits
- chemosphere 47 Hits
- psychological medicine 42 Hits
- wall street journal - online edition 40 Hits
- catholica 39 Hits
- deutsche zeitschrift fur wirtschafts- und insolvenzrecht 39 Hits
- fra ribe amt 39 Hits
- behavior research methods 38 Hits
- journal of medical internet research 37 Hits
- der nervenarzt 33 Hits
- european journal of neuroscience 31 Hits
- frontiers in human neuroscience 30 Hits
- ecology & evolution (20457758) 29 Hits
- archivar 28 Hits
- der lutheraner (st. louis, mo) 27 Hits
- speculum 24 Hits
- applied ergonomics 21 Hits
- atmospheric environment 20 Hits
- journal of counseling psychology 19 Hits
- bibliotheksdienst 18 Hits
- malaria journal 15 Hits
- photochemistry and photobiology 11 Hits
- historisk arbog for thisted amt 10 Hits
- psychological assessment 6 Hits
- hardsyssels arbog 4 Hits
- vejle amts arboger 4 Hits
- german 170,466 Hits
- english 56,040 Hits
- unknown 22,997 Hits
- undetermined 19,530 Hits
- french 10,740 Hits
189 additional values:
- danish 7,622 Hits
- polish 6,436 Hits
- mandingo 1,381 Hits
- spanish; castilian 1,312 Hits
- latin 817 Hits
- italian 600 Hits
- russian 496 Hits
- norwegian 344 Hits
- portuguese 341 Hits
- chinese 304 Hits
- multiple languages 276 Hits
- dutch; flemish 243 Hits
- turkish 118 Hits
- swedish 110 Hits
- hungarian 107 Hits
- czech 96 Hits
- bokm�l, norwegian; norwegian bokm�l 81 Hits
- indonesian 81 Hits
- japanese 76 Hits
- persian 74 Hits
- croatian 64 Hits
- spanish 57 Hits
- arabic 52 Hits
- romanian; moldavian; moldovan 49 Hits
- dutch 48 Hits
- slovenian 46 Hits
- ukrainian 32 Hits
- finnish 28 Hits
- no linguistic content; not applicable 28 Hits
- serbian 27 Hits
- hebrew 23 Hits
- korean 23 Hits
- greek, modern (1453-) 22 Hits
- greek 21 Hits
- lithuanian 17 Hits
- 030514s1994 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 16 Hits
- ||| 14 Hits
- 021018c19uuuuuuxx p 0 c 14 Hits
- 021114s1995 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 14 Hits
- 030514s1992 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 14 Hits
- 030515s1999 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 14 Hits
- estonian 14 Hits
- greek, ancient (to 1453) 14 Hits
- 030513s1999 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 13 Hits
- bulgarian 13 Hits
- norwegian nynorsk; nynorsk, norwegian 13 Hits
- 030215s1998 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 12 Hits
- slovak 11 Hits
- vietnamese 11 Hits
- 030512s1998 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 10 Hits
- 030514s1993 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 9 Hits
- 021112s1992 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 8 Hits
- 021113s1992 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 8 Hits
- 021115s1997 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 8 Hits
- 021115s1998 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 8 Hits
- yiddish 8 Hits
- 030512s1997 xx 00 0 c 7 Hits
- 030514s1991 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 7 Hits
- 030515s2000 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 7 Hits
- 030515s2001 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 7 Hits
- 030515s2002 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 7 Hits
- catalan; valencian 7 Hits
- 030513s2000 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 6 Hits
- 030513s2001 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 6 Hits
- bokmal, norwegian; norwegian bokmal 6 Hits
- egyptian (ancient) 6 Hits
- ger 6 Hits
- 030514s1996 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 5 Hits
- 030515s1997 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 5 Hits
- oriya 5 Hits
- romanian 5 Hits
- 021025s1978 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 4 Hits
- 021025s1994 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 4 Hits
- 021030s2000 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 4 Hits
- 021112s1990 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 4 Hits
- 021114s1994 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 4 Hits
- 021116s2000 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 4 Hits
- 030509s1994 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 4 Hits
- 030512s1999 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 4 Hits
- 040130s2002 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 4 Hits
- 040130s2003 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 4 Hits
- 880823d19801980xx p 0 c 4 Hits
- afrikaans 4 Hits
- bosnian 4 Hits
- latvian 4 Hits
- low german; low saxon; german, low; saxon, low 4 Hits
- 021030s1994 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 3 Hits
- 021112s1991 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 3 Hits
- 021115s1996 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 3 Hits
- 030510s1995 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 3 Hits
- 030512s1997 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 3 Hits
- 030513s2002 xx 00 0 c 3 Hits
- 030514s1995 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 3 Hits
- 850101s1978 xx 00 0 c 3 Hits
- hindi 3 Hits
- icelandic 3 Hits
- persian; farsi (iranian) 3 Hits
- slave (athapascan) 3 Hits
- thai 3 Hits
- 021025n19uuuuuuxx ||||| 00| ||und c 2 Hits
- 021025s1979 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 2 Hits
- 021025s1980 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 2 Hits
- 021025s1983 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 2 Hits
- 021025s1990 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 2 Hits
- 021025s1991 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 2 Hits
- 021025s1993 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 2 Hits
- 021030s1995 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 2 Hits
- 021030s1996 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 2 Hits
- 021030s1997 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 2 Hits
- 021112s1988 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 2 Hits
- 021112s1989 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 2 Hits
- 021113s1993 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 2 Hits
- 021116s2001 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 2 Hits
- 021116s2002 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 2 Hits
- 030214s1986 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 2 Hits
- 030214s1995 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 2 Hits
- 030412c19uuuuuuxx p 0 c 2 Hits
- 030509s1995 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 2 Hits
- 030513s2000 xx 00 0 c 2 Hits
- 030513s2002 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 2 Hits
- 030514s1988 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 2 Hits
- 030514s1993 xx 00 0 c 2 Hits
- 030515s1997 xx 00 0 c 2 Hits
- 030515s1998 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 2 Hits
- 030604s1996 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 2 Hits
- 130703nuuuuuuuuxx p 0 c 2 Hits
- 130704s1979 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 2 Hits
- 130710s1979 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 2 Hits
- 850101s1973 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 2 Hits
- 850101s1978 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 2 Hits
- 981023s1977 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 2 Hits
- armenian 2 Hits
- basque 2 Hits
- belarusian 2 Hits
- dutch/flemish 2 Hits
- georgian 2 Hits
- herero 2 Hits
- urdu 2 Hits
- 021030s2000 xx 00 0 c 1 Hit
- 021112s1987 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 1 Hit
- 021112s1994 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 1 Hit
- 030509s1992 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 1 Hit
- 030509s1994 xx 00 0 c 1 Hit
- 030510s1989 xx 00 0 c 1 Hit
- 030510s2000 xx 00 0 c 1 Hit
- 030513s1999 xx 00 0 c 1 Hit
- 030513s2001 xx 00 0 c 1 Hit
- 030514s1977 xx 00 0 c 1 Hit
- 030514s1983 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 1 Hit
- 030514s1991 xx 00 0 c 1 Hit
- 030514s1992 xx 00 0 c 1 Hit
- 030514s1994 xx 00 0 c 1 Hit
- 030514s1995 xx 00 0 c 1 Hit
- 030514s1997 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 1 Hit
- 030515s1998 xx 00 0 c 1 Hit
- 030515s1999 xx 00 0 c 1 Hit
- 030515s2000 xx 00 0 c 1 Hit
- 030515s2001 xx 00 0 c 1 Hit
- 030515s2002 xx 00 0 c 1 Hit
- 030515s2002 xx 000 0 c 1 Hit
- 030604s1992 xx 00 0 c 1 Hit
- 130703c19739999xx p 0 c 1 Hit
- 130703c19769999xx p 0 c 1 Hit
- 130703c19859999xx p 0 c 1 Hit
- 130710nuuuuuuuuxx 00 0 c 1 Hit
- 850101n19uuuuuuxx 00 0 c 1 Hit
- 850101s1940 xx 00 0 c 1 Hit
- 850101s1942 xx 00 0 c 1 Hit
- 850101s1976 xx ||||| 00| ||und c 1 Hit
- 941102c19789999xx z| p| s 0 |0und c 1 Hit
- 981023s1977 xx 00 0 c 1 Hit
- albanian 1 Hit
- austronesian languages 1 Hit
- berber languages 1 Hit
- dutch, middle (ca.1050-1350) 1 Hit
- english, old (ca.450-1100) 1 Hit
- galician 1 Hit
- german, middle high (ca.1050-1500) 1 Hit
- iranian languages 1 Hit
- irish 1 Hit
- maltese 1 Hit
- modern greek 1 Hit
- romance languages 1 Hit
- romansh 1 Hit
- scc 1 Hit
- slavic languages 1 Hit
- sorbian languages 1 Hit
- southern altai 1 Hit
- turkish, ottoman (1500-1928) 1 Hit
Geographic Context
Content Provider
- BASE 100,561 Hits
- hbz-Verbundkatalog 54,380 Hits
- wiso 48,014 Hits
- Bibliotheksverbund Bayern 31,023 Hits
- OAIster 20,786 Hits
79 additional values:
- Statista 16,619 Hits
- GBV Online Contents 13,498 Hits
- World Affairs Online WAO 8,947 Hits
- Complementary Index 6,936 Hits
- Scopus® 5,614 Hits
- FIS Bildung Literaturdatenbank (German Education Index) 5,551 Hits
- SZ LibraryNet 5,216 Hits
- MEDLINE 4,644 Hits
- Academic Search Index 3,924 Hits
- Business Source Ultimate 3,531 Hits
- Supplemental Index 3,012 Hits
- Unpaywall 2,985 Hits
- Springer Nature eBooks 2,720 Hits
- Regional Business News 2,719 Hits
- HathiTrust 2,518 Hits
- BrillOnline Reference Works 1,771 Hits
- E-Periodica 1,455 Hits
- Springer Nature Journals 1,334 Hits
- De Gruyter Online 1,196 Hits
- eBook Index 1,093 Hits
- Atla Religion Database 930 Hits
- Directory of Open Access Journals 915 Hits
- RILM Abstracts of Music Literature 861 Hits
- JSTOR Journals 847 Hits
- IEEE Xplore Digital Library 791 Hits
- DigiZeitschriften 785 Hits
- APA PsycInfo 775 Hits
- dblp computer science bibliography 641 Hits
- ScienceDirect 539 Hits
- Manuscriptorium Digital Library 351 Hits
- Gale eBooks 335 Hits
- SSOAR – Social Science Open Access Repository 288 Hits
- PSYNDEX Literature with PSYNDEX Tests 262 Hits
- SveMed+ 236 Hits
- OpenDissertations 170 Hits
- Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection 167 Hits
- USPTO Patent Applications 143 Hits
- Munzinger Online 139 Hits
- arXiv 137 Hits
- utb elibrary 106 Hits
- MLA International Bibliography 104 Hits
- Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts 101 Hits
- BDSL (Bibliographie der Deutschen Sprach-und Literaturwissenschaft) 99 Hits
- GreenFILE 97 Hits
- NASA Technical Reports 92 Hits
- British Library EThOS 85 Hits
- ERIC 84 Hits
- LUNA Commons 77 Hits
- ACM Full-Text Collection 70 Hits
- BLLDB (Bibliography of Linguistic Lit/Bibliographie Linguistischer Lit) 47 Hits
- MGG Online 45 Hits
- eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) 43 Hits
- eScholarship 38 Hits
- Nexis Uni: Law Reviews 35 Hits
- APA PsycArticles 30 Hits
- Naxos Music Library 25 Hits
- RÖMPP Online 22 Hits
- American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection: Series 5 17 Hits
- BioOne Complete 16 Hits
- Archive of European Integration 15 Hits
- American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection: Series 4 14 Hits
- Sciendo 11 Hits
- Open Research Library 11 Hits
- Newswires 10 Hits
- ProjectMUSE 10 Hits
- 10 Hits
- MLA Directory of Periodicals 9 Hits
- Alexander Street 6 Hits
- Biodiversity Heritage Library 6 Hits
- American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection: Series 3 5 Hits
- Research Starters 5 Hits
- Adam Matthew Digital 4 Hits
- Cambridge Core Books 4 Hits
- Torrossa 3 Hits
- BrillOnline Primary Source 2 Hits
- Archives Unbound 1 Hit
- CogPrints 1 Hit
- SCOAP3 1 Hit
- EU Bookshop 1 Hit
360,721 Hits
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For licensing reasons this title can be displayed in the campus network only or after Login!Serial PeriodicalAccess:
For licensing reasons this title can be displayed in the campus network only or after Login!Serial PeriodicalAccess:
For licensing reasons this title can be displayed in the campus network only or after Login!Serial PeriodicalAccess:
For licensing reasons this title can be displayed in the campus network only or after Login!Serial PeriodicalAccess:
For licensing reasons this title can be displayed in the campus network only or after Login!Serial PeriodicalAccess:
For licensing reasons this title can be displayed in the campus network only or after Login!BookAccess:
In: IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 23 (2024-12-01), Issue 12, P. 12650-12665Online Academic JournalAccess:
In: 2024 32nd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2024-08-26, P. 36-40Online ConferenceAccess:
In: IEEE Access, Vol. 12 (2024), P. 70810-70824Online Academic JournalAccess:
In: 2024 Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications Conference (ASYU), 2024-10-16, P. 1-6Online ConferenceAccess:
In: European Journal of Plastic Surgery, Vol. 47 (2024-12-01), Issue 1Online Academic JournalAccess:
In: Journal of Earth System Science: Published by the Indian Academy of Sciences, Vol. 133 (2024-12-01), Issue 4Online Academic JournalAccess:
Verlag C.H. Beck, (DE-588)1023902869, (DE-627)718722590, (DE-576)367624842, 2024Online BookAccess:
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2024Serial PeriodicalAccess:
2024Serial PeriodicalAccess: