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  • ISSN: 0009-840X (Print), 1464-3561 (Online)
  • Editors: Professor Gesine Manuwald University College London, UK, Dr Greta Hawes Macquarie University, Australia, and Dr Blanka Misic University of Vienna, Austria
  • Editorial board
Published for The Classical Association

The Classical Review publishes informative reviews, subject profiles and notices from leading scholars on new work covering the languages, literature, history, archaeology, philosophy and reception of ancient Greece and Rome and Asia Minor. Producing hundreds of high-quality reviews every year, The Classical Review is an indispensable reference tool, essential for keeping up to date with current classical scholarship.

Classical Review welcomes new Commissioning Editor, Blanka Misic

Classical Review is pleased to welcome a new Commissioning Editor, Blanka Misic, to its editorial team... Find out more here.

Digital Projects in Ancient World Studies

From 2024 we will widen the remit of Classical Review to include also reviews of digital projects related to the ancient Mediterranean world or its reception. We are thus launching a call for projects to be reviewed... Find out more here.

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