Through collaboration with the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Frick Collection, and the Brooklyn Museum, JSTOR has developed a collection of 19th and early 20th century American art journals found in the libraries of these prominent New York City museums. These fragile periodicals are a rich source of images and text, which span the development of American visual culture and the evolving role of the artist and art audience within it.

Created by Alfred Stieglitz, Marius de Zayas, Agnes Ernest Meyer, and Paul Haviland, 291 is an arts and literary journal that was published in New York City beginning in 1915. It featured original artwork, poems, and essays by Francis Picabia, John Marin, Max Jacob, Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes, and other avant-garde contemporaries. Created to showcase contemporary talent and to publicize Stieglitz's gallery of the same name, 291 grew to be an artistic work in its own right, and it is known for introducing visual poetry to the United States.

All Issues
  1. 1916
    1. No. 12 Feb., 1916 pp. 1-5 FREE
  2. 1915
    1. No. 10/11 Dec., 1915 - Jan., 1916 pp. 1-4 FREE
    2. No. 9 Nov., 1915 pp. 1-5 FREE
    3. No. 7/8 Sep. - Oct., 1915 pp. 1-4 FREE
    4. No. 5/6 Jul. - Aug., 1915 pp. 1-6 FREE
    5. No. 4 Jun., 1915 pp. 1-4 FREE
    6. No. 3 May, 1915 pp. 1-3 FREE
    7. No. 2 Apr., 1915 pp. 1-4 FREE
    8. No. 1 Mar., 1915 pp. 1-6 FREE